Urban Legend Green land of reflected light. The safe guard of epiphany, The refracted glimmers of hope. Hope ? The urban legend of tomorrow. Bound away are the promises of yesterday. Green, fertile plain , so bright , so dutiful. How long has summer withheld it's rays ? Instead , tempest and soil saturation . Water logged clay, permeated in black . "Observe the forecast! "I can hear their howls. The black dogs of cumulus . Cloudy with a chance of rain. What of the crop?" You reap what you sow." Seeds scattered and lost to the imbued imagination. Buried photosynthesis, strangled in the void. Push forth your chaos, over produce . Thistle and weed ,all beauty abound. Raw, eccentric and real . To the greens keeper You scream "Pick me, pick me " Hope in compost abounds . Together at last . Humus of the earth , condition the destitute. Rich in the nutrients of #life . Naked you entered, naked you return. Hope ? #hope #questions #faith #life #meaning #purpose #love
المزيد ..
India Sparrow (Sarah)
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Catherina Coffey
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Sammie ❤️
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Sienna Williamson
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