Cow Boy High Chapter 1 At Cowboy Boots high a lot is going on. Briana has her eye on someone but won't say who. Rachel is having a fun time being dramatic, fun, being a diva and throwing a party with her bffl Briana. Margaret and Blaine might get back together but who knows with those two. It's a mystery. Kaylan thinks she is part unicorn and everyone thinks she is crazy. It was a normal day during Mr. Morales's class. He is giving one of his famous lectures. Then suddenly a code red siren went off. There is a gun shooter in the school. Everyone was screaming and I was like can you shut up. They will hear us. Finally they shut up. And I am like totally laughing my head off because Bri and I made it into one corner and Kaylan was in the other one and she got stuck beside walker and that was her partner. It was so hilarious. Now I am totally looking for Margaret and I don't see her so I ask around. I was like “do y'all know where Margaret is?” Then it hit me. Margaret was in the bathroom when the alarm went off I run there and I don't see her. I am now really panicking. The principle reporting over the loud speaker brings me back the real world. She says attention all staff and students a student is missing repeat a student is missing. All I can think is oh no it's Margaret. She is missing. I am so worried. Now Kaylan is screaming for some unknown reason maybe she is having a unicorn attack? It's real and not pretty because she starts screaming they are real and gets on her hands and knees and starts acting like a unicorn and the worst part is she tapes or glues something to her forehead and sometimes she pokes people with it. We are all like why Kaylan why. Sometimes it is funny and I am laughing now just thinking about it well now I'm going home and the day has been a blur. I wish Margaret will come back. I don't know. Now I am going home and, well, tomorrow is a new day.
Diana âðâð
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