At First Sight We met in a room of friendly faces. A glance, a touch, one heart that races. I felt a light come shining through. A beauty, loving, kind and true. One heart that starts to beat once more, we lead our steps to take the floor. Shaking knees and nervous hands, a man that changes where he stands. A head that bows to meet the eyes that shine like stars in darkest skies. A warmth that pushes through my skin, the light expanding deep within. The music stops, the floor subsides. The nervous hand begins to slide. A moment past, the touch is lost, a hearts been given, yet at what cost. Is this what love is meant to be, an everlasting symphony. To steal a kiss would be a sin, or gift of somewhere to begin. If only I had nerve to steal, or tell the truth of how I feel. I'd hope that it would make you smile and gaze upon me for a while, but my fearful grip still lets you go, so I wait and watch to never know. When time had past, you came to me, for reasons not concerning, which stirred and churned love deep inside. An everlasting yearning.
Saline Pikeho
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