Being Mommy
Pots and pans and dirty dishes,
Sighs and whims and untold wishes..
Swollen feet and blistered toes,
Sweat and toil and childish lows..
Paper work lies on the floor,
Bitten and tossed under the door..
Signature art left on the walls,
In tiny dots and lines and scrawls..
Flustered face reddening by the day,
Shoveling toys out of my way,
"Is that a diaper under the couch?"
"What? Where? Another toy- ouch!"
A trail of white lies before me,
Leading somewhere I dare not see!
With great courage I take the dare,
When a high pitched laughter echos from nowhere!
There, behind me sitting bare-bottomed,
My overzealous baby- sleepshirt unbuttoned,
Baby powder clutched in one hand, Emptying it carefully as per the plan..
Hopelessly surveying my powdered floor,
I collapse in the couch next to the door,
Patter and pitter of hands and feet,
Grow nearer , stop next to my seat..
A toothless smile looks up at me,
Unbuttoned bare-bottomed, with a hopeful plea..
Surrendering myself to this adorable regime,
I slip off the couch down on my knees...
Pots and pans and dirty dishes,
May wash themselves if they wish it..
All day and night though it may be..
There's No greater fun than being mommy..