Translate   7 years ago

What Do I Write About? I sit upon my dusty throne, Diving deep into my thoughts my mind is devoid of words, what do I write about? I shovel into my thought attic, Hunting for a word or two, I hope to find that missing spark, To create something new.. Upon dusty shelves in my inner mind, Lie a few old and rustic thoughts A dash of this and a pinch of that, What do I write about? Kings and kingdoms, swords and tales, Oh, Ive penned many of those! A story of my night and day? Covered all highs and lows! How about some art, a soul searching piece One that makes me dream With imagery, and vivid thoughts And words an endless stream.. With many thoughts raging in, I close my eyes and think.. before I know I've lost my thought, In sleep Ive begun to sink.. A world anew reflects my mind, Where words and thoughts nest.. Where Image and music, art and soul Blend into each other best.. With a start I awoke to a new found land, Having found what I long sought.. I pick my pen and ink a few, Knowing what to write about..

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