"Crystal!" I whisper. At first she doesn't hear me, but when I say it again, she looks over anxiously. "What are you doing! Get out of the kitchen before someone catches you!" Crystal says. I roll my eyes. People worry too much. "Come with me," I say ignoring her warning. She creeps out behind me, into the gardens where I saw her first transform. "How long have you known you could do that?" I ask, eager to learn more. "Not long." She replies. "Have you told anyone?" "Only Harriet. " "Shall I...show her?" "If you're comfortable with that." We run through the halls, our footsteps echoing a round the empty corridors. Once we arrive at Harriet's room, I go inside without knocking because I think it's stupid. However, Harriet is not the only one in the room. Beside her, on the bed, is a deep purple, almost black, night fury. 'It' snarls at crystal and I, and sparks fly out of my hands. As it get closer, Harriet tries to restrain her, but it is having none of it and continues towards us. I look back at crystal, but she has transformed into a pale blue dragon, almost identical in size and shape to the other one. "Crystal, no!! " Harriet and I yell as she leaps forward.....only to crash into a wall of frozen fire. Confused, she tries to find a way around, but transforms back into human once she can't find one. Meanwhile, Harriet manages to restrain the other dragon, and as the wall of Frozen fire disappears, she introduces us to blackberry, her adopted pet dragon.
Blaze's Diary Dear Diary, I could see something in Crystal, the servant girl, when I first saw her in the kitchen. The same thing I see in my sisters, but not in anyone else. I'd thought it was something to do with family relationships, but Crystal definitely isn't related. Ah well, maybe I'll find out what it is tomorrow. From Blaze Dear Diary, I now know why Crystal was different. Harriet, elsa and Anna don't know, and I don't know whether I should tell them. I saw Crystal run into the garden, and when she got out there, she just...transformed into a variety of different animals, and when she saw me looking, she ran away. I think that Cook getting angry with her must have jolted something inside her, that instinct to fight back. Except in her it must have done something different. I hope the others don't find out about this, otherwise they might lock her up somewhere. From Blaze
Letter To Anna Dear Anna, I know you hate me, but please listen to me just this once. I never wanted for any of this to happen, all I wanted was for us to be together again, but this time better. As soon as mum and dad found out about my powers, they forbid me to use them. I ignored them, because Elsa was allowed to use hers. What I didn't understand then was that a spark can turn into an inferno. They banished me from Arrendale, so I left. See what I had to go through? I hope that you understand why I came back. Blaze
I can't believe all this has happened. The reason why I came was because I wanted to find my family, the only people who may actually care for me. I felt like an outcast, because I did not know how to control my powers, and still don't. I wanted to find someone who would understand me, to know what it was like to have powers. Instead, I get hate. I may as well die.
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