Love #life Lesson #4 Questioning your true feelings is one thing but try a DIY project inside your house and you'll know real quick whether your love for your partner is a 'forever' kind of love!
Love #life Lesson #4 Questioning your true feelings is one thing but try a DIY project inside your house and you'll know real quick whether your love for your partner is a 'forever' kind of love!
Love #life Lesson #3 Love is not only a noun - it is a verb, too. You can throw nouns around all you want but until you actively pursue the verb - love - will never reach its total potential.
Love #life Lesson #2 Fall in love and marry your best friend. That way even if you're mad it won't last long because you'll have super important things to share with them.
Love #life Lesson #1 You wake up to fight the challenges of every day. You don't want to go home and fight the one you love.
Timing Is Everything A wise man knows when to fart. A foolish man walks with soiled undies. This applies to knowing when to act on many things: speaking & sharing opinions. #life is about making solid choices! Knowing good, bad, and shitty decisions. Upshot is we can always wash our undies or buy new ones... We just have to work for'em to get straight! Moral: Timing is everything. Stephanie Murphy
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