Beginning Line Challenge That's was the moment it all changed, my happy, humours and Cool #life of being 'Samantha cole' was over and now start the new #life of the lonely, dead but alive and exhausted 'Carla tima' began, how did this happen you ask? Well let me tell you, it all started with my P.E teacher "Miss.Groda"... It's 90am and I'm late for class, again. "Damn I'm late!" I say to myself as I run threw the hallway, turning corners and jumping railing like every other day I finally get to the door of the class and i look threw the window into the giant hall I see everyone on the other end of the hall getting ready/making it harder for me to get in un-noticed but that wasn't what I was worried about, what I was worried about was the fact that I couldn't see Miss.Groda anywhere "damn don't tell me she went to get equipment" i say out loud "Well well well, what do we have here? Samantha cole? My god girl, you'll be having after school detention" I turn around to see, you guessed it, Miss.Groda with equipment "But, but..." Before I could even say anything she started pulling me into class saying "no but, after school detention and that's that" (Skip till the end of the day) As I walk in to the "detention" room I see the teacher, Mr.Fracade, sleeping with his legs on his table and 3 other people, one that had short hair that was black with blue and purple strips and green eyes, the second person had a hoodie but I sensed that the didn't belong here which was weird and the final person was quite short with long, blond hair. I sit down in the corner and doze of and fall a sleep... It was a mistake "Hello? Hello? Can you hear me??" I open my eyes but what I thought would be there wasn't I could see smoke, a lot of it and I was laying on the ground and felt like a million swords had just stabbed me, everywhere, and next to me was a man that was in a uniform, what are they called? A fireman? But what I wondered the most was how did I end up here? "Miss? Hello???" I look over at the man again and then what I see behind him is horrific, I see one, broken pieces for chairs and tables on the floor, two, a dead person, well 4 dead people and third my arm, next to my shoulder and not connected, now what do I do? I scream. I wake up and I'm in a chair, sitting up and tied to it. "Miss" I. Hear a mans voice and look over to see in the direction of the voice but the only light is a little light over my head, "Miss, I must tell you something and you can't say no, your name is Carla tima now and you have to work for us" If only I just went in to the classroom... I couldn't believe it, if only I had gone into that classroo...
Graduation Speech So we just had our graduation and this was my speech : Hello, my name is Ashleigh and the past 4 1/2 years have been really fun! I've had so much fun meeting new friends and I've meet so many cool teachers and it's been a blast! I really enjoyed all the camps! Especially the one in grade three. And I'd just like to thank all my teachers for being really nice and thoughtful and always supporting me so thank you. Also thank you to my kids hope mentors (volunteers that come for about a select 10 people) for being really nice. And thanks to all my friends for being the best friends ever!
Ideas?? Ok so all my friends and I mean all my friends are really good writers but for some reason the only thing I'm good at is writing about #life and death so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for things (not portal thought, seems like it's to advanced (yes advanced) for me)
Ashleigh Phantom
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Jessie (Quick)
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Ashleigh Phantom
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