Hated Part 1 I wake up from another sleepless night. My face stained with ruined make up. Dreamless slumber that showed pieces of my horrible night. Today could only get better or worse. #life takes my happiness as a challenge everyday making me die a little more inside than usual. School started 5 days ago. I hated it. I was judged up and down. No matter what I said or did I'd get thrown out like a piece of unflavored gum the someone's been chewing for the past two hours. But it was all my fault the way I am treated. From the way I dress to the way I act. My one friend always ask me why I always had a smile on my face even though I get tormented everyday by everyone including teachers. And I always say so they won't break me. I always wanted to lose the smile. I wake up telling myself what's the point of smiling if every where you go someone tries to break your happiness. School wasn't the worst part of my #life. The worst part is being in public. My father went to jail for kidnapping little girls. I played with those little girls everyday reassuring them that everything would be ok. I was kidnapped too. But he is my actual father. My mother couldn't stand to look at me or even touch me so I had raise myself on my own. I brush my teeth and put you hair in a high ponytail. I throw on some sweat pants and a t shirt. I walked out into the kitchen to see my brother and my mom sitting down eating breakfast. "Did you make me any breakfast mommy?" I asked hoping that for once she would answer. She didn't even look at me. "Why do you hate me? I'm your daughter. Your only real flesh and blood and you can't even look at me. I had no real family. I would say your the only one I have but I can't cause your not even there for me. Your like a complete stranger on the side of the road." I screamed holding back my tears. My brother got up and walked towards me. He smacked me hard to the ground leaving a bloody gash across my forehead. "Nobody talks to my mom that way. We don't even want you here, I've tried to kill you but you've always seemed to survive." he said walking away. It was true every night he would try to kill me. He stabbed me repeatedly but I didn't die. He strangled me but I didn't die. I passed out for a while but I didn't die. I ran to my room and wiped the blood off my forehead with my hand. Realizing that it wasn't gonna stop bleeding anytime soon I put on my converse and ran out the door. Even though my dad was a killer. I missed him. He was the only person who actually tried to love me. He told me I hold a very important secret. I remember the first time he told me that he was putting in my new earrings he got me. I never take them off because it's the one thing that actually has happiness stored inside of it. I opened my window and jumped out like usual. And walked to my bus stop. "Hey have anymore girls in your house? I bet your dad raped you like he raped those other girls!" a guy said. I bit my tongue trying to stop myself from getting upset. He followed me to my bus stop. Asking me over and over if my dad ever touched me. The bus came and the bus driver stopped. It wasn't our usual bus driver it was a substitute. He looked familiar. He was the father to one of the girl's my dad killed. He looked at me hard. He opened the door and I walked up the stairs. He stopped me. He spit in my face and then pushed me down the stairs. I face planted the ground. He slammed the bus doors and drive away. Leaving me to walk to school myself
Ler mais...Ripped Of Love Part 2 I am now officially a college student. I was excited for college my two best friends happened to get a scholarship from the same college as me, but I'm bummed cause the idiot that used my nose as a human punching bag is going to the college too. Ryan was stalking me now. He claims that he wasn't ready for a serious relationship but now he is. I'm completely over him. I wanted nothing to do with him but he just didn't seem to understand. I did my best to avoid him and made sure none of my classes was with him. I stood outside of my writing workshop class. I turned around and there was Cameron. I quickly wrapped my arms around him taking in his chocolately scent. "Surprised to see me? I understand who wouldn't wanna see this." he said moving his hands in an up and down motion showing off his body. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to class. I took the seat in the front row signaling for Cameron took take the seat next to me. The teacher walked in and and she was a perky old looking teacher. Walking into the room she turned and saw me and Cameron. She stopped hot in her tracks and stated at Cameron. It wasn't just any stare. I knew the teacher found Cameron irresistible. I nudged Cameron who had noticed her sparkling glare at him. He couldn't help but smile. She flipped her hair and bit her lip. I thought it was very awkward for a lady in her late 30s to be acting like a whorey teenage girl. The professor had short blonde hair and wasn't really on the thin side. She wore crazy patterns upon her shirt and skirt. "My name is Professor Shinn." she said. She walked up behind Cameron and attempted to whisper " but you can call me Audrey". I had to laugh. I started laughing so hard I fell to the floor of embarrassment with my face turning red. The teacher stood over me "So what might your name be?" Professor Shinn asked raising one eye brow. I stopped my laughing. I stared at her trying to raise my eye brow like she did. It was very difficult. "My name is Christy. I'm sorry for laughing." I said. The teacher gave me an odd look which made me smile wide. "Before this class is over I would like you guys to write a novel about your #life so far." Professor Shinn said. The bell rang for us to leave class. The professor called me and Cameron out before we could leave. "Ummm Cameron are you two dating or something because I would not allow a distraction like that in my classroom." she said giving me an evil glare. I was so tempted to say yes. Cameron noticed my slight smile and knew what I wanted to say. "No!" he quickly bursted out before I could speak. She nodded her head and dismissed us. Her class was the class of the day for me so I headed out to my dorm room. I got into my hallway and in front of my door what do you know there was Ryan. "Hey babe what took you so long? It only takes 10 minutes to get from your class and here." Ryan asked trying to hug me. I stepped back. "Ok so now your timing how long it takes me to walk to my dorm. We are over. Don't you get it." I said. He pushed me against the wall and grabbed my hands. "Don't you ever use that tone to me ever again. Plus I know you want me." he said. His warm soft lips pressed against mine. I almost got hypnotized by the familiar taste. I quickly snapped out of it and kneed him right in the groin. "Touch me again and I will make your not so impressive man part suffer bad!" I said. While he released my grip I quickly unlocked my door and ran in my room. Slamming and locking the door shut close.
Ler mais...I wake up from another sleepless night. My face stained with ruined make up. Dreamless slumber that showed pieces of my horrible night. Today could only get better or worse. #life takes my happiness as a challenge everyday making me die a little more inside than usual. School started 5 days ago. I hated it. I was judged up and down. No matter what I said or did I'd get thrown out like a piece of unflavored gum the someone's been chewing for the past two hours. But it was all my fault the way I am treated. From the way I dress to the way I act. My one friend always ask me why I always had a smile on my face even though I get tormented everyday by everyone including teachers. And I always say so they won't break me. I always wanted to lose the smile. I wake up telling myself what's the point of smiling if every where you go someone tries to break your happiness. School wasn't the worst part of my #life. The worst part is being in public. My father went to jail for kidnapping little girls. I played with those little girls everyday reassuring them that everything would be ok. I was kidnapped too. But he is my actual father. My mother couldn't stand to look at me or even touch me so I had raise myself on my own. So I was wandering of you guys think this is good so far for another story!!! I don't have a name for it yet but if you want it to be a story then like it up!!!!
Ler mais...Ripped Of Love Part 1 *thirteen years before* I stood frozen standing outside my house. There in my driveway was the car of the world's worst monster. He is my mom's secretary. There is something about him that makes me shiver. He looked at me and my mother like we were some exotic fruit that he just wanted a big juicy piece of. Daddy didn't like him,he always came uninvited and gave daddy a smart ass comment. I took a deep breath and ran into the house swinging open the door. I froze on my feet! My father was dying, bleeding out in front of me. There was so much blood and he mouthed to me"Run Christy!". But it was too late. I couldn't leave I had to find mommy. I heard her screaming! I ran to the bedroom. I swung open the door. The man raped my mother. "Oh Christy! You are so pretty. Come here." my mom's secretary said pushing my mother aside. "No, not my little daughter! Christy run! Now leave!" my mom screamed crying. "Shut up!" he screamed. My mom got up, pushed and kick him. He fell to his knees. I just stood there unable to move at the site I was seeing. The man grabbed my mom's head and smashed it against the bed frame. Blood was everywhere and she didn't move. I knew then she was dead. I was once again frozen. Staring at the biggest monster ever. A tall man with brown darkening eyes. He turned at me and shared a big greedy smile. "Now we can be together like we always wanted and no one can stand in our way anymore" he said. "No get away from me!" I screamed. By that time he was already close to me. So close that I could smell the onion mushroom burger he recently ate. He was at the doorway and locked the door, so I couldn't run. I ran into the closet and hid from the dangers that awaited me outside the closet door. "Its ok Christy. They can't stop our relationship now." The closet door flung opened. I grabbed a hanger and hit him with it. He pulled his hand back in pain. He reached his hand in the closet even more angry and pulled me out by my hair. It hurt but I was more focused on escaping his grasp. I kicked and screamed! "Calm down Christy" I heard come out of his mouth. He stood me up right. Then pushed me on he bed and raped me. *present time* Christy Pov "Christy hurry up" screamed Bethany. She is my best friend. She was overly excited to go to her last high school party as I wasn't quite excited. My boyfriend Ryan was out of town and it kind of bummed me out. Before I walked out the door I examined myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black mini skirt and a tube top. I look like a hooker. Who cares I'm taken anyway. I had these sequence heels i just bought that made my eyes sparkle and I was dying to wear them. I had my beautiful long orange hair in a high bun with a shimmery barrette. I walked out of the room and say my best friend. "someone looks more show off than me tonight." Bethany said as I was walking down the stairs. She was right. Every party we went to there had to be at least one boob hanging out of her shirt and to see up her dress. I learned to face it. My best friends a hoe. But it's ok. Tonight her outfit consisted of a one shoulder dress that stopped above the knee. Her beautiful brown hair curled perfectly to one side. "Nice mini skirt I might also add." Bethany added. "Thanks I have the legs for it" I said laughing. "Oh yeah by the way the police called. They said they wanted to talk to you tomorrow at 3." Bethany said. Just wanted the stupid muskers to leave me alone. Honestly the guy that killed my family and raped me I don' t care about anymore. He's gone I don't wanna be reminded of what happend 13 years ago, and now that I finally forgot about what happened the muskers try to make me remember again. I grabbed the keys to my black and electric pink mustang. Bethany hopped in and we drove a few blocks down to a house with a yard full of drunken teenagers and hormonal guys hoping for action. Unlike Bethany I know how to keep my legs closed. At parties never drink I usually just follow bethany around to make sure she doesn't have to much to drink. The only thing that makes the parties fun is my best friend Cameron. He and I always stand around and make fun of the stupid things the drunken teenagers do. Before I even finished parking the car Bethany took off to the drinks and to some guy. I drove all around and finally found a parking spot. I got in the car and walked into the house. I started my search for Cameron. I decided to walk up stairs and check. Before I could get one foot on a stair a drunken passed out teenager fell down the stairs. I laughed soo hard a snort came out. I wish that Cameron was here to share the laugh with me. I walked up the stairs stepping over the drunken caracas laying on the stairs. I walked past a bedroom. I swung open the door to see two people having sex. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry" I said quickly shutting the door. I turned around and saw someone that looks like Ryan. No no no it cannot be Ryan he's out of town. Ok so let's make this quick before my nerves get all jumpy. I backed up into the guy. " oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't..." I said not finishing. The guy turned around and there was Ryan. The girl he was talking to said " babe who is this girl". "I'm his ex girlfriend."I screamed. I couldn't believe Ryan was cheating on me. I smacked him across the face leave a cut from my acrylic nails. Fighting back the tears before they explode. I ran away from him crying. I ran out of the house and to my car. I drove away not having a particular place I was going. I put my car in park and stopped and placed my head in my hands. My phone started ringing. I just couldn't talk to anyone right now. I decided to turn up the radio to drown out the sound of my annoying ringtone. The radio station was playing Scars by Papa Roach. It was my favorite song it happens to come on at one of my most depressing moments. I started reciting the words to the song until my phone started getting louder and louder. I picked up the phone and answered. Before I could get outa hello Cameron quickly bursted out "Are you ok? I saw you run out crying from across the room. I tried running after you but you were like Sonic." Only Cameron would notice me crying from across the room. "yeah it's just that Ryan was cheating on me" I said feeling the tears start up again. " he did what! I'll kill him!". Before I could say anything else the end tone came on. Oh crap this is bad. Cameron's gonna go to jail for killing Ryan even though we both know he deserves it. I took a deep breath and finally decided Cameron's #life didn't need to be wasted on a asshole like him. I looked around and realized where I was. I drove around several times until I found the house again and quickly rushed inside. There was a much bigger crowd of people upstairs. I pushed my way through everyone to stop the fight. I decided to get in between them. Yeah I knew it was stupid but it had to be done. I got in between them and before I knew it Ryan's fist connected with my nose. I fell to the ground in pain. Blood shot out of my nose. I guess emotional pain wasn't enough he had to add physical too. "I'm so sorry" Ryan said. Cameron lunged at him even more mad now. I got up clinching my nose to stop the blood. I grabbed cameron's shirt and pulled him back. "Cameron stop! He's not worth it! Its not worth it." I screamed. I grabbed his hand pulling him towards the stairs. Bethany was standing there shocked the whole time. I released my blood filled nose and grabbed her hand and pulled them both down stairs to my car. I didn't even know if Cameron needed a ride but pushed him in the passenger seat anyway. Bethany got in the back seat. I got in the driver's seat and started the car. I drove Bethany home in silence. "I'm staying the night with you."Cameron said breaking the awkward silence "What type of friend am I to leave you at your state of sadness." I nodded my head and drove home. I was walking in the dark and tripped and twisted my ankle. I fell to the ground. Cameron came over and carried me to the porch. He smelled of chocolate axe. I always had a crush on Cameron. I wouldn't date him cause I treasure our friendship more than ever. He sat me down gently and I placed my key in the lock. I opened the door and we walked up to my room. We changed our clothes not caring that we were by each other. We climbed into my bed and went to sleep. * *. * I woke up late that day at 2. I quickly remembered I needed to go to the police station. I ran in the bathroom quickly. Not realizing the shower was on. I turned towards the shower. Oh crap Cameron! I walked in on Cameron in the bathroom. I ran out quickly. I sat on the bed waiting for him to get out. Time was going bye fast I decided to take a hoe bath and put on sweatpants and a T-shirt. I went downstairs to the bathroom an washed up in the sink and threw on my clothes. I put my hair in a high ponytail and ran out the door. I drove to the police station ready to go off on them for bringing back up my tragic past. I stepped out of the car limping from my ankle. I opened the door an was greeted by my usual detective. "I'm glad you came. We want you to be aware of the people that you talk to. We are guessing he changed his name and the way he looks. We found his house and he has an obsession of you. He will try to contact you soon." the detective said. "we would like to put you in a protected place". "No! Look I don't care about this guy anymore! You guys keeping calling me which is making me miss my family. And now your asking me to put my #life on hold for another 13 years. I got a scholarship to college for writing and I'm not gonna throw it all away for a jerk off like him! Don't call me about him until you find him dead." I screamed leaving the police station. THERES MORE TO COME LATER!!!! I HOPE YOU LOVE IT!!!!!
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