if you're name is Aurora I'm staring straight at you yet I've lost sight because you are everything you say you'll be and you gave 'bright eyes and hope' meaning, for some one like me keeping me on edge I never expected you I was waiting for some one like you but you, you completely surprised me Now I miss you like shooting stars are every once in awhile and moonlight that's rippled on the ocean and promises maybe forgiveness ...'cause we never mean it
Weiterlesenthe ugly version of Haden baby you throw out love like you know what love is! I'm yours, but you'll never claim me. I've whispered everything you've wanted to hear; this scene should be perfect, we've rehearsed it. you fed me the lines, so you know every word I spoke was a lie. while we're playing with fire let's make this first kiss be goodbye. I lost the thought of faith, you can save your breath for things done in secret. when all I ever wanted was the sound of your heart pounding in my ear.
I remember Gavin &+ Ashley promises forgotten, secrets untold, as I give you my #life, the story unfolds.
Ashes, inspired by a #life that fall like stars We take advantage of all that we are like the sweetness the air leaves in our lungs when we breathe; passing it off as just another need It's blindness to say that the sun rests on the earth as it sets because we all know it's more than we can understand yet