I Just Woke Up, And Literally Began To Hear A Voice Reciting A #poem In My Head, So I Wrote It Down. This Has Never Happened To Me Before, Nor Have I Ever Wrote A #poem. It Was A Rather Odd Experience. Anyway, Here It Is. He stands atop and shades a brow, wondering when the able will be sent A puzzling look, he greets the world, the saddleback rides- King and earl. A plastic hoof, sends them to fall; A bitter quest could not be forestalled. Indigo saffron, hell picked and thyme, fritters the candle wick, Constantyne. Albeit much, a gentle purr, heard from the mouth of a gentle stare, who is the figure, I see but once. I try to repair the mixture of songs. Many had found, the way to go, a simple stare will harrow the road. But I have a horse, with a plastic hoof, which troubles the man, who cannot move. Time sifts through me, it bears no arms, as I sit and stare at a million charms. They move so gallantly, they show no quarrel. I see they are able, to be who they want. Old friend, your time has passed, we sit together, living our last. The owl sings, only a motley tune, to be aware of his presence, to be with him soon.
Nik Larcombe
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