I Need To Get This Out Of My System The strangest thing happened in class today. I am in my first year of college as a Child and Youth worker, and my professor is such a bitter, picky woman. We all dreaded doing the silly "stone sharing" activity that she planned. We all had to pick a rock that stood out to us, share something significant about ourselves, And pass the rocks along until your rock was touched by everyone and was returned to you. What a weird thing to do, right? This therapeutic activity made me sob! Everything was fine, I started to talk about my beloved dog, and it was great... And then i welled up and the tears just started. This is my first experience with a random "emotional trigger". This crazy lady was so smart! I felt pretty humiliated, sobbing and being reassured by my friend, but I began to think of how much dogs have been to me growing up as a traumatized, grief stricken kid. My faithful companion, my comfort, is my emotional trigger. Not in a bad way, but just to reflect on how good she is to me. How much I have gone through, with my four-legged friend to cry on. Another girl broke down too. It was so strange. I have never experienced something so deep. I have never felt so beside myself. This lady has tricks up her sleeve. Do not underestimate anyone.
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