Just wanting to get this out there. @opuss thank you for giving us all this wonderful piece of software to trial out our scribblings and giving us a community and audience. You really are the best. (You can hear a however coming can't you?) However, just wanted to say that making a 'comment' via I-Pad is frustrating. You can't see the comment box as the keyboard covers the area. Clicking to see what you have written (hiding the keyboard) just shows the first part of the message. So a little bit 'rrrrr'. Could this be looked into? Not all of us on here have iPhones! Apart from this really happy with what you give us. To the Opuss community I know I haven't been writing that much. Real #life has been a hard mistress and has been a distraction to my lyrical bent. Also, if anyone is following me, my latest efforts are quite dark. Regrettably my sister has been diagnosed with cancer. My baby sister passed away due to this insipid enemy, so not my usual bright and cheerful self. I do read your works(as much as I can). Also, despite the 'mood' I am starting to write again. All I would like to add to this missive is, to my followers; thank you for your comments and constructive feedback. Thank you for looking in on my little efforts and I will, hopefully, will get back to my regular poetical rhythm (rhyme not withstanding). < a poetical joke? Hmmmm. I am still 'wool gathering' my #poems for possible publication. It is actually helping me and has caused me to find a bit of time to attempt a scribble or two. Looking forward to see what anyone adds onto this blog post
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