New State, New #life - Chapter 3
Arriving at the house brings more joy than I thought it would. But not because of the reasons normal people would have. I just want to get into the house and sleep with my headphones on high and phone in hand.
I step out of the car, breathing in the nice, fresh air.
I look up the unusually large house. It was an old house, with its pealing paint and crooked shutters, yet it looked beautiful in the moonlight.
This is the only thing i like out of this whole move. Mearly because I love old houses. I was excited to explore.
The tingling went away as we gathered up as many bags as we could from the car and waddled our way to the steps. My dad set down his bags and pulled out a ancient looking key.
~another perk~ I think to myself
He gathers up his bags again and push the door open with his foot.
Entering the beautiful house, the first thing you see is a huge spiral staircase, and a glistening chandelier. My dad flips on the light that sends the chandelier into a burst of sparkles, and the stair case into shadows.
My parents and brother trug along, not noticing the beauty of it all, and stop in the center of the room to set down their bags.
I do the same, but look around as I do. I see pealing wallpaper, cracked wood trim, and crooked doors. But at the same time, they all add to the beauty, and, slightly mysteriousness of the house.
~I think I like this place~ I think
"Ok," my dad says, clapping his hands together in motivation, "go upstairs and decide who wants what room. There should be beds, dressers, all the fixings i each room," He accent showing slightly.
I pick up my entertainment bag and head up the spiral staircase. At the top of the stairs, I am greeted by a long hallway with numerous doors, and a large window at the end.
I hear my brother downstairs, trying to bargain his phone from my mom, so I take the opportunity to look for what I am hoping is here. A secret passageway.
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