Spencer (1) I sat on the old rickety fence of a house. My ears flickered as I heard the familiar sound of the neighbours dog. Well it's not the neighbours dog anymore. Yes my people left me. A month ago. A new family called the Ferguson's moved in but they don't like me. I refuse to take to the streets. Unlike other cats I am not going to jump into a garbage bin for food. Yes I am a cat. I used to have a home but my owners left it a month ago. Worst of all they didn't take me with them. Did all those Winter nights huddling by the fire mean nothing to them?! When it was hot they would swim in a blow up pool and I would jump in too. Did that mean nothing to them?! Do you know how much courage it takes to jump in a pool?! It's like I'm just a toy they were waiting to throw out. The dog started barking again and I stretched. Then it spoke. "What are you doin' here Spenc? Your owners left you so go somewhere else you stink! Not only that but my poor eyes can't look at you... your ugly!" I hissed at him. The most horrible part was it's true. I hadn't had a bath for ages and I was dirty and scruffy. I sighed and jumped onto the footpath. Looks like I have one option. The city. The city. I've never been here before but I've heard birds talk about it. I walked along until I found myself in an alley. There was a door. It was probably a door from those restaurants and they put their garbage here. Yep I'm right. There is two of those big bins. I sighed. I was gonna have to get food from the trash. I jumped in an dug around but I was scratched and thrown out by something. Next thing I know I was pinned down. I struggled. "No use strugglin'," Then I heard another voice. "What's that?" "Just some cat," "He don't look like any alley cat I ever seen," "Probably some newby," "Ask him," "Cat, do you know what this alley way is?" "N-no," "It's our territory," "Wha..." "Us, we are a group of cats called The Alley Knights," "Get off me!" The cat got off. I stood up confused. "What do you mean The Alley Knights?!" "Ya don't know? Throughout this city is many groups of cats. All alley cats, except some. The alley cat groups fight other alley cat groups for food and survival. No one knows what the groups that aren't alley cats intentions are," "What about alley cats who aren't part of a group?" "They die," "WHAT?!" "I heard of groups coming across those loners and the loners retreated. If ya wanna survive ya gotta join a group kid," "No way!" "Then scram. I won't hurt a loner like you but the others won't hesitate to," I ran. I don't know where to. After hours of searching I found a dumpster that wasn't in an alley. I jumped in. I felt something moving in the dumpster so I braced myself for an attack. Instead a cat came to the surface with a terrified look. "I-I'm sorry... I'll leave please don't hurt me..." She must think I'm part of a group. "Don't worry I'm not part of one of those groups. Actually I just got here," A look of relief came over her face. "I'm Tiffany..." "I'm Spencer," I got a closer look at Tiffany. Then I realized; She's the breed Egyptian Mau. I had always found that breed of cat pretty and I found myself looking away. "Come on Spencer I know a place we can stay," I followed her to a basement of an abandon house. "This house has been here for years and it holds special memories. The humans don't have the heart to tear it down," I nodded. Then Tiffany pointed to a pile of... food... "Eat as much as you like I don't have a big appetite," "Thanks..." I walked over and ate. It certainly wasn't like the meals I used to have but it's better then catching a mouse and having to fight it. I'm not a strong cat at all. I'm weak. I can't even catch a mouse. I never admit it of course or tell anyone. Right now I was even more embarrassed. Here is a girl who catch more food then I could in a million human years. I sighed in annoyance. I sighed in annoyance and looked at Tiffany. "Thanks..." "No problem!" She smiled a sweet smile. I smiled back. What was that thing humans do? Oh yeah blush. I wonder if I'm blushing now... I hope not. Right now it's one of those awkward silence moments. I decided to start a conversation. "So Tiffany... um... could you tell me about the groups," She looked at me. She was happy that I had broken the silence. "Well there are many of them and there territories are all over the city..." As she said that an idea appeared in my head. "Your a genius Tiffany!" "Wha..." "We could make our own group and this could be our territory!" She looked at me dumbfounded. Then I realised how stupid that idea is. We would have to fight, possibly kill... probably be killed. Not only that but we may not even get anyone to join. It would just make this territory for another group. The cat from earlier was right. To survive you'd have to join a group. Tiffany would get in. Maybe. I wouldn't. I'm useless. I can't do anything. I'm a lame excuse for a cat.
Survivors (4) They paddled to the island as fast as they could. Finally they got there. Everyone climbed out and ran up the beach. Lucy started climbing a coconut tree. Ellen followed Lucy. Alexandra went to find fresh water and Rosie and Allie started building a shelter from bark, branches and leaves. Sydney stood unsure what to do. She decided to explore. It wasn't like her to explore but she was too overwhelmed by everything that had happened and was happening to care. She walked into a rain forest. Vines hung from every tree and many had fallen. Then Sydney heard a roar. She turned to see a snow leopard. Sydney screamed in fear, shock and confusion. Why is a snow leopard in the rain forest. It hissed and spat at Sydney before pouncing on her. The snow leopard pinned her to the ground. Sydney screamed and the beast raised it's paw and showed it's claws. Sydney screamed in fear. The snow leopard slashed her face. Her face was bleeding badly. The snow leopard raised it's paw again. Sydney didn't know because she couldn't see. Sydney heard the vines swinging and the hiss of the snow leopard before passing out...
Survivors (3) The boat was thrown around by the powerful waves. Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. The girls screamed in fear. For hours they clung onto the boat hoping they didn't fall off. Finally the boat was in calm waters. The girls looked at their surroundings. There was water as far as the eye could see. The girls floated on and suddenly they saw large grey fins... "AHHHHH!!!" One of the sharks swam to the boat and snapped it's huge jaws. The other sharks did the same and the girls screamed and cried. Then Lucy saw an oar. She grabbed it and began hitting the sharks with it. That got them angry. Ellen grabbed the other oar and the two smacked the sharks. One of them was bruised. They swam off. The girls went on using the oars to go in one direction. Then... "An island!" Rosie was pointing to something. "Look an island!"
Survivors (2) Sydney woke up and felt around for her glasses. Lucy and Ellen were trying not to laugh. They couldn't stop themselves. They burst out laughing and everyone else woke up. Alexandra stood up and looked at Ellen in disgust. "Ellen what is all this unnecessary laughing about?!" Ellen rolled around the floor laughing. She pointed to Sydney. "What is so funny about her?!" Sydney kept feeling for her glasses. "Alexandra? My glasses... they're gone!" Alexandra looked at Ellen and Lucy with a questioning look. "Busted..." "Give me the glasses," Ellen handed over Sydney's glasses. Alexandra gave them to Sydney. Sydney put her glasses on. They all changed into (FEMALE!!!) sailor outfits. Then they went up on deck. "CAPTURED!!!" Sydney was sprayed with freezing cold water. It stopped and she looked and saw a boy. It was none other then Jake. "What's up peoples!" "Jake don't spray Sydney with water!" It was Allie who spoke. She spoke again. "What if you knocked her glasses into the ocean! She'd never see again!" "Sydney should wear contacts," "C-ontacts? But I..." "But what? You'd be able to see," "Yeah but..." "Oh come on Sydney! You'd look... better? You already have Blondish brown hair, which I must say is a good colour for your hair. It suits you. You also have emerald like green eyes why not show them off?" "But..." "Come on I got some contacts I never wore! In fact they are new and no one has worn them!" Jake grabbed Sydney's glasses and gave them to Lucy to hold. "Hey they are my glasses!" Jake put the contact lenses on Sydney. Sydney blinked and looked around. They all looked at her. Sydney gulped. "Do I... look ok?" It was Rose who spoke. "Sydney your really pretty..." They all nodded in agreement. "T-hanks!" The rest off the day went by and the girls returned to their dorm for bed. They fell asleep. A few hours later they woke up to the sound of a thud. Ellen looked around the room but it was too dark to see and her eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark of the room. "What was that?" "Oww..." "Alexandra?" "I fell off my bed..." Ellen was about to speak but the boat began to rock violently and Rosie was thrown into the wall. The girls tried to walk but they were thrown around. Eventually the front of the cruise ship began to sink into the water. Lucy tried to open the door but it was jammed shut. The girls screamed and cried. Alexandra tried to stay calm but even she couldn't. The ship sunk even more and water began to fill the room. The water smashed the door. The girls ran out in one direction. They got to the end of the boat that wasn't sinking and ran to a #life boat. The all got in. They huddled together with no idea what was going to happen...
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