My Accounts Ok so I, @SoftPaws, have 3 different accounts now. Ok if you are my followers you might want to also follow these people and my other accounts. Other account names: @Mittenz @Sabaton_BigestFan My friends (BFFS): @TheWritingBunny @PuffyFluff2 @THESWAGOCTOPUSS @FuriousRed1234 @TheRebelBunny So all you guys that read this can also follow my awesome FOLLOWERZ!! You are all natural writers so don't let anyone change that!!!!! Now a #poem or two to send you all with great ideas and upsetting moments that we want to forget but can't! #poem one: The Full Stop Day! Last six hours of Opuss, Goodbye is getting near, The words and sentences all done, The full stop day is here. Last five hours of Opuss, Where everything's before, The aims and comments and books, No one’s crazy for no more. Last four hours of Opuss, Surrounded by a comments, Who'll scatter soon and not return, When the lost days have past days have passed. Last three hours of Opuss, One last story, Instead of commenting our friends we try, To chase and catch the moment. Last two hours of Opuss, The words blur and skid, Signing stories, Remembering, The best story we did. Last one hour of Opuss, With people who understood, And helped me see I could achieve, ‘cos they believed I could. Last half hour of Opuss, The last we all dread, We can not write further, The app slips from our heads. Last ever second of Opuss, The full stop rings in our ears But no more chapters left to write, We must vacate our friends, For time moves on and time is right - To live our knew #life. I will write the next one soon. Thanks for your time.
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