Dead Man's King
Part 3
" do we play this game of yours?" Lily questioned Eric. "Ah, yes. Come here and take this." Eric replied as he handed Lily a sharp, double-edged dagger.
"W-what is this for?" Lily stammered. "Why, it's for the game, of course!" Eric mischievously answered.
"So, how do I win this game of 'Dead Man's King'?" Lily asked Eric. "Oh, allow me to show you." he said as he brought her to the bedside of the King. It was now that Lily's dreadful feelings reached a peak, but she ignored them and repeatedly thought to herself "Stop being a wuss."
The room was quite dim, so Lily could barely make out Eric's face, much less know where she was standing. She kept a shaky grip on the dagger and allowed her cousin to show her what to do.
"So, first things first: you'll need a dagger. We've already got that. Now, you need two special puppets that bleeds out red dye. The player that gets their puppet to bleed red dye the most wins!" Eric devilishly told her.
"A bit grotesque, isn't it?" Lily replied. "You aren't a wuss, are you?" Eric egged her on. And that was what brought Lily to do the most foolish ever committed by a child who does not think before their actions.
She ruthlessly plunged the dagger into the sole center of her "puppet", which emitted a soft gasp, and it's eyed quickly fluttered open. "I knew this was bound to happen if I ignored you. Know that I love you" the 'puppet' wheezed. As he gave one last wet cough, Lily's eyes widened in horror as she had just realized what she had done.
" No! No! No!" she shrieked and wailed. She whirled on her cousin. "You! You did this!" she shouted. "Ah, yes, in a way I did; but it was still you in the end who the act, no?" he replied coldly with the most malevolent smile Lily had ever seen.
"Oh, dear guards! Come and see! Dear sweet Lily has killed the King!" he sang hauntingly. Right on cue, Eric's alleged soldiers marched through the doors.
"Dear, sweet cousin Lily, you are charged for treason and murder of this Kingdom' ruler. There is no evidence against this, and as thus, you are be executed!" Eric laughed insanely, relishing his power now that he finally had the throne.
Lily glared at him with a flame of hatred so bright, it would carry on into the next #life.
"Lily Estrangia Novellia Montoya Grasadia is charged with the following crimes: treason of her Kingdom, and murder of her father, the late King Thames. She is to be executed in one year's time, the day the second heir claims the throne to show to all that Prince Eric has rightful first hand claim to our Kingdom's throne." boomed the royal court Judge.
As Lily was dragged away to her filthy cell, she carefully plotted a way of revenge.
The Orchid
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