Translate   11 years ago

Dead Man's King Part 2 A few weeks later, on a quaint but sunny afternoon, on Christmas Eve, Lily's father returned from his trip. Cousin Eric had arrived just that morning to 'respectfully welcome the King home'. As soon as the King made it to the castle and exchanged courtesies with everyone, he retired to his bed chambers for a well deserved nap. It was now that Eric sought out Lily. "Hey, Lily! Guess what?" he shouted out to her as she drew near. "What is it? Have you found something to cure the world of boredom?" she snapped back at him. "Well, I guess it's something like that." Lily, now intrigued, said "Well spit it out then!" So Eric deviously replied "I've invented a new game. I call it 'Dead Man's King'." "How do you play?" Lily innocently asked. "Well, why don't I show you? We'll use a special room just to play." he told her, and spirited away to tower Lily had never entered before. "Are you sure this is alright?" Lily asked nervously. "You doubt your own, dear, beloved cousin? Of course it's alright!" Eric said with such vigor that Lily did not question him further. As they climbed up the tower, Eric gave two quick, small hand signals that Lily did not notice. Finally, they reached the room Eric desired. As he pushed opened the door, Lily started to get an ominous feeling. "Stop being a wuss, it's just a game!" she thought to herself, and proceeded onward inside. Unbeknown to Lily, but very well known by Eric, they were entering the chambers of the slumbering King.

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