Witness - Part 1 Fear shot through Carrey's veins as the man who had just murdered her family turned to look at her. She turned on a dime and ran through the open door and out into the darkness of the night. She had just become a witness. Seventeen hours and six large coffees later, Carrey was on a plane to her new home under a new name in the witness protection program. Glancing down at the paper with her new identifions gave Carrey a knot in her stomach. She was going from her hometown in Florida to a town she had never heard of located in West Virginia. The plane touched down two hours later and Carrey grabbed her backpack from the floor by her feet and tucked her earbuds into her hoodie pocket, along with her IPod. The airport was small and not many people occupied it, so Carrey was able to find her driver easily. The sign her driver held read 'Anastasia Rojein', causing Carrey to scoff under her breath. They couldn't give her a name that actually fit what she looked like apparently. Carrey gave the driver a smile and greeted him, declining his offer to carry her bag for her. The driver eventually stopped in front of a house and said "Your aunt is waiting for you Miss. Rojein". Carrey nodded and got out of the car without another word, heading for the house where she would sleep, she no longer had a home. Slinging her backpack over one shoulder, Carrey knocked on the wood door and with almost no pause a woman who looked to be in her early thirties opened the door. The woman gave her a soft smile, "Hello Anastasia". Carrey raised an eyebrow at the womans emphasis of her new name, but gave a fake smile and replied "Hello Aunt Joyce". 'Aunt Joyce' made it a point to give Carrey a full tour of the house, leaving her room for last. Once she finally had a moment alone, Carrey set down her backpack on the almost too new desk. Everything seemed too perfect for what was suppose to be a seventeen year old girls room. Carrey couldn't even sit on the perfectly made bed, so she ended up on the floor by the window. Her long black curls were falling from her ponytail, framing her face in an almost picture perfect way. For the first time since her #life had become hell, Carrey began to cry. School began the next day at 7:30 sharp. Carrey woke to Aunt Joyce gently knocking on the door at six in the morning. Carrey sat up and muttered "It's open", the sun was glaring through her window like it had nothing better to do. Aunt Joyce handed her a phone and said "My number is already in there Anastasia". Carrey rolled her eyes, as if she needed a reminder of her 'name'. Carrey had fallen asleep in her clothes from the previous night and according to Aunt Joyce, she had a whole closet full of clothes. After about thirty seconds of looking at clothes, Carrey decided to throw on a black tank top with a pair of jeans that were comfortable. She managed her curls into a ponytail and washed off her makeup from the previous day, reapplying from what she had in her backpack. Aunt Joyce had some eggs and bacon on a plate for Carrey when she came downstairs for school. "They will help you catch up at school and you can ask anyone in the office if you need help with something" Aunt Joyce said, making sure Carrey actually heard her. Carrey nodded and nibbled on the bacon until Aunt Joyce got her car keys, "You'll be late if we don't leave now". Carrey followed Aunt Joyce towards the front door and paused in front of the mirror on the wall. A voice in her head whispered 'You are no longer Carrolyne Parker'. Carrey grimly chuckled and muttered "Meet Anastasia Rojein".
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Grace H.
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