In Loving Memory of Brownie, the best bunny the world has ever known.
Every word inspired by you <3
Hi! Don't panic, please. I know, I know. Talking dog! Well let me just tell you now that your not going insane. All dogs CAN talk, we just prefer not to most of the time. So let's try this again. Hi! I'm Scott. Well, I call myself Scott. I've had another name, but I've forgotten it by now, and my human calls me Scott. It's a nice name, don't you think? So anyways, your probably thinking, "Scott, if dogs don't prefer to speak, why are you speaking to me?" Well the answer to that is simple. You seemed like someone who would enjoy a nice story. I have to warn you though, my story is incredibly nice. So what do you say, want to hear this dogs story? Since your still here, I'm assuming you do. Well, curl up on your pillow, find a nice chew toy in case you get bored, and let's begin!
Chapter 1
Now let me tell you something about dogs. Now matter how cute you think it is, begging is just flat out humiliating. Standing up on your hind legs with big eyes, there's nothing worse for a boxer. Now even as a puppy, I understood that a boxer should be tough. That's why the first portion of my #life was so bad. My parents weren't the luckiest dogs. So when I was born one night at the park, my parents simply left me there. Food is hard to come by for a street dog. Now being a street PUPPY is near impossible. That's why I was so lucky to find Spike. Now when you think of a dog named Spike, you typically don't think of -squirrel!- you typically don't think of an undersized poodle. Well that's what my Spike was. I was pretty much wandering the streets when Spike found me. Spike was left by her owners, her owners thought she was a boy by the way, when she was 20. In dog years of course. She took me under her paw and raised me. We found a nice few boxes in an alley near a trailer park. It was my 12 birthday when it happened. Spike was 32 at the time. She had gone out to find something extra special for me that day. Spike never came back. I found her on the side of the road, bloody and #lifeless. I pushed her into the nearby park and buried her in a peaceful grove of evergreen trees. That day was one of the worst days of my #life. I had no more Spike to play with. No more Spike to comfort me when I was scared. And no more Spike just to simply talk to. Loosing Spike came with other problems to. That was the day I learned how to beg. I spent the next year of my dog #life begging for meat at that trailer park. But Shady Oak Trailer Park didn't have to many people. Don't worry. The worst isn't coming until later.
Chapter 2
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