January 2nd
I have woken up at 30 am today. Yes, it's very early because my UTI had occurred again. I have asked papa to get a coconut cause its water would help ease the pain in I have felt. I have been very grateful to my dear papa.
I have swam in a very cold pool at Loleng's. I was with my step mom, May-may and Angel. It was very cold and I love swimming in it.
It has rained non-stop because of a low-pressure. Still, I have gone to the mall to do window shopping for dresses, undergarments and foot wears. I have also stumbled upon a familiar face. I couldn't stopped myself from staring at his face.
I have realized that if I were to think positive and straight forward, my #life would have been a lot easier.
I just hope that my views and dispositions about #life would not hinder my goals.
Overall, this day have been very fun and interesting. Keep going and Love lots, self!