Killing Time
Doing the bird, but wish I was so I can fly away
Not able to do so yet, temporarily have to stay
Stereotyping me, who are they to say I’m strange
They can keep locking me up, but I’ll never change
Killing the time is sometimes hard to do in here
Having a routine is a must and showing no fear
Personally it isn’t punishment, just an inconvenience to me
I catch up with some new friends, get fit, education, till I’m free
In here sometimes we laugh, cry, get angry, get sad
Mixed emotions being in prison, does that make us bad?
There’s only one judge in #life, that’s God above
I believe with all my heart, at least I’ve got his love
One thing about me though
I won’t leave a friend behind
I love music, sports, pigly pool, even films that are scary
If someone got on an attitude with me,
Simply say ‘opinions vary’
I really feel that my #life in prison is one big roller coaster ride
And one thing I do know, there’s nowhere to hide
Just like a hand of cards, you don’t know what you got
But I refuse, point blank, to just lie down and rot
Banged up again behind these four walls
Waiting for freedom away from the rules
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