I'm Different Reaction The teacher began reading over my #poem I just turned in. Personally I find her fun to observe. She has blue eyes with white specks in them. Her skin so pale you see the blue vanes at her temples. Her white hair was perfectly curled as usual. The ringlets fell past her shoulders and framed her oval face. She has a straight nose and full pale pink lips. Today she wore a silk blue blouse, a black skirt that came to her knees and blue slip ons. I studied her expression while she began reading. At first her mouth was at a natural smile but slowly began changing. It became a hard straight line and her eyebrows furrowed. "Anne.... What do you mean colorful?" She asked. She sounded confused. "Oh miss. I mean well... Let me show you. " I took her hand and took her to the door of the school building and walked outside. A freezing wind came at me and made me shudder. I found a small tree bare of its leaves. It made me feel sad. Winter can be beautiful but all the dead trees and creatures is just sad. I took one of its branches and began to concentrate. A warm feeling began to spread through me beginning at my hand. Almost like I was standing next to a fire. I opened my eyes and the tree was full of crimson, golden and bronze leaves. The sun reflecting off of them made it appear like a fire. Mrs. Goldberg did not seem to be happy. She looked at me with an uneasy smile and began to back up. " Anne I believe I will be calling your parents now. " she said as she ran off. Why is this so bad? I really do not understand these people.
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