Cupid's Arrow
Last night I had a dream
It really was surreal
I was advisin' a young me!
I found great appeal
In my words so meek
Please tell me, if you agree.
You are young and strong
You think time is putty
But you're not that mighty, me.
So first: You must revere time.
They'll be times you're wrong
People'll be hurt, sadly
Their pain'll become your malady
When you realize you were hasty
Not knowin' time's work ain't easy.
That's when you'll discover
Heaven's magnificent elixir:
Pure, Unconditional Love.
"From my mistake I need delivered"
You'll go from a hawk straight to a dove.
That's when the secret'll be uncovered
Why you best have friends with character.
Friends with selfless love in their hearts
They won't let you anguish needlessly
When they see you apologize sincerely
They will forgive, not tear you apart.
Let that renew your sense of humility
Lest you e'er again err in being hasty.
Heed these words not so mighty me
And your quiver'll rarely lack happiness
Because, you see, the secret to success
Is in maintaining relationships so lovely.