It Is You I find it ironic how I'm the happiest in a state that hides the sun 8 out of 12 month a year I find it funny how I lived without my dad my whole #life but have no "daddy issues" My #life is full of irony and backwardness from my #life lessons to the way I speak. My mom did her best to make me act "proper" yet taught me if I want something then to break the rules The school says if you want to be smart you have to do it "our way" yet the teachers let me teach the class my way I'm from the south and forever hating the slang, down yonder is no place I want to be yet I miss the sunny heat I never learned how to write properly yet my teachers can't get enough of my story's All I have know is pain and cruel punishment yet I'm filled with so much love and kindness for others It is not how you where raised or how you have been treated it is you who makes yourself you.
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