Father Christmas Missing! #weeklyopusschallenge Yes, it's true! Artic explorers, eager to find Father Christmas, treaded to his lair in the North Pole and astonishingly could NOT find him. They searched the land of snow, with no success. Where could he be? Does this mean no more gifts? I was told that he was last seen following a CocaCola truck. What could he possibly want? On Christmas day everyone was heart broken. No gifts meant no happiness. Someone started shooting bullets in the street and five people died. The Snow-elves, good friends of Santa, claimed that Santa was drunk. Sure enough, he was found in a cave, his red hood on his head, and many whiskey bottles on the floor. How bizzare! People formed an angry, shouting parade and conquered the cave. Poor clueless Santa is now injured, still in the cave. Next year, wish for good luck. ~reported by Maryam.
Kidnapped? More Like Wolfnapped KMLW Pt 1 Alexia's POV "Alexia! I told you what I needed!" Rhona cried. Rhona's my little sister. She's 11. And me? I'm Alexia, 19. Don't ask me if Rhona's annoying. Because she is. I went to the balcony and stood there, watching the clouds. I was wearing a short-sleeved pink t-shirt and my pink PJs. My messy brown hair was flying down my back and in my hand was a bowl full of noodles. I just LOVE noodles. I like putting them in mt mouth and sucking in the bits that are out. Just as I was about to suck, I saw a slick black sports car, I think a Mustang Cobra. Three guys came out of it, looking like posh snobs. The tallest and coolest one suddenly looked my way. A goofy smile on my face, I pushed in the two noodle strands that were hanging from my mouth. When they all cracked their knuckles like they meant buisness, I ran inside my house. "Are the noodles ready yet?" Rhona whined. "Hey! You're eating them!" The doorbell rang. I got this one. "I got it!" I shouted before Rhona did. Opening the door I gasped because: Number 1: I looked horrible, and Number 2: Tall and handsome was standing right in front of me. "Are you Alexia?" he said in a cool sort of voice, gripping my arms so that I couldn't move. "Yes?" I gulped. He suddenly picked me up, bridal style, and carried me to his car. "LET GO!" I screamed. Rhona started crying. Tall and handsome tightened his grip and snuggled me against his chest, which I found irritating. "Help, someone! HELP! I AM BEING KIDNAPPED!" I cried. "QUIET!" he roared, covering my mouth. I struggled. Rhona was still crying. He put me in the front seat and drove at the highest speed. I screamed until my throat cracked but in vain. He carried me into his house and locked the door. Zachary's POV Alexia was very scared. I wanted to calm her. I am the Alpha of the werewolf pack, and Alexia is the Della. Even if she is a human. I look like a human... But it's artificial. "Alexia! Don't cry!" I exclaimed, looking at the tears streaming down her beautiful face. "You monster! Let me go!" she shouted, trying to scramble out of the window. I only had one choice: either let her go or hypnotise her. I had to go for number 2. I swooped down, picked her up and dropped her on a king size bed. "Our room," I introduced. "OUR ROOM!" she shrieked. "I am not LIVING HERE!" I leaned over her and whispered, "Oh yes you are."
Criminal Girl Pt 11 Criminal Girl Pt 11 *I'm gonna start changing point of views. POV stands for Point Of View Kate's POV: Great. It's almost Valentines day and I have nothing prepared. I don't have party clothes. I didn't make a card. And I have this Roy-Harvey problem. Mom said that she and Dad were too busy to drive me to the mall so I had to ask Roy. It was weekend. No school, praise the lord! I wanted to make a goid impression on Roy, especially since Harvey is dead jealous. Digging through my closet for some cute but casual clothes, Mom came in. "Mom. Can you help me find some decent clothes for going to the mall?" "Who's driving you, exactly?" Mom asked. "Roy." "Kate, you know Roy is-" Mom began. "Mom! Roy's not dangerous. He's just my classmate! He's not gonna kidnap me." Mom sighed, digging through my clothes. The doorbell rang and Dad opened. I heard some conversation, and then Roy walked in my room. "Howdy, ladies." he said. "Roy!" I shook his head until his eyes popped out. "What should I wear to the mall?" Roy replied oh-so-helpfully by rolling his eyes and responding with a Jeez, I don't care how you look. Gimmee a break. Roy's POV: I DID care about how she looks, of course. I picked up a dress she missed. White. Strapless. There were tiny black flowers on it and a wide black belt. "This?" I asked. "Ugh!" Kate snatched that from me and cried, "I can't believe I didn't see this!" Her mother left the room. "Quickly change!" I said. She nodded and just stood there. "What're ya waiting for?!" I cried. "Get out so I can change," Kate whispered. "I don't feel comfortable changing in front of you." I grabbed her so that her back was firm on the wall and I was facing her. "You don't feel comfortable?" I asked. "No. I'm sorry." When she said that, I closed my eyes and leaned over her. TO BE CONTINUED. CATCH MY NEXT SERIES CALLED "LEGENDS OF AWESOMENESS"
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