As For Quasimodo There is a landscape of trees and woods Open windswept glades of dry grass stalk Decay slowly in the winter mud When I walk through, a being of mood Who is as such within a storm The gales and winds do beat upon Is passing in the growth of the earth One harvest to another rot And the sun cloaked beneath the clouds thin veil of day before eternal night I wish I was I wish I had Until I see the vapours of my #life Lift from the stillness what I long to be Desire is rogue run from happiness And unclear is what it wants But trickle to some newfound love Some darling hope I crave to have Dispossess me of this plague of mind All winds are blowing, the time does pass And see the wanton strife with pain The bleeding hearts hurt centrally I walk on through, my fleeting day Is to commit some positive act For nothing is hard, though will be blurred Must choose to do what will be done And not go back since therein lye What I cannot change for all eternity To live with or to die is the same
Sienna Williamson
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