That One Night Affair I saw her last night. It was the first time that I saw her since I decided to let her go. Her warm and dark complexion, smokey black eyes, defined arms and legs, sleek and slender figure, and finely featured front and back side, attracted men around her, just the same when she was mine. All covetous eyes were on her except perhaps the man she is now with. I tried to pass by her - wanting and not wanting attention. As I passed, unconsciously or perhaps by old habit, I slowly caressed her back side. In an instant, I remembered that heat she emitted when I'm inside her for hours at a time. Her man, pulled my arm away. I was definitely out of line. I shut my eyes and expected the worse... But none came. I opened my eyes and saw her man smiling at me. Her man gestured at me to follow them. I did. They stopped in a dimly lit parking garage. Though security was there, I doubt he cared what transpired that night. Her man turned his back on us and walked a few steps away. I turned to her - confused. But when i looked at her she was just there with her eyes on me. Inviting me. Begging to make her feel as her maker intended her to be. Her right side very slightly opened, alluring, seducing. "I know you miss her. After all she was once yours." Is all her man said. I approached her slowly, and nervously. What do I say after years of being apart, and then be presented an opportunity to relive the moments I had with her, even if just for a brief moment that night. I held her right side. Though her outside trimming was metal cold, I knew how warm her inside was. I fully undid her open side exposing what's hidden. My body was trembling, excited. I wanted to go inside her slowly, but my excitement made me look like a teen who's doing it for the first time. Then I was fully inside her. She was exactly as how i remembered her to be. Warm, smooth, hard and soft. Her scent - California. The motion though was awkward at first. Her position was different than before. Then, I realized that her new man is bigger and taller than me, but I knew I was better than him. I adjusted myself and positioned her the way she used to so that she would feel it every time I thrust with my feet. The result was instantaneous. We were everywhere in that garage. I teased her with little thrust that made her moan, and made her scream when i thrusted all the way down. We were one in that garage. Then it was over. Her man pointed his finger on his watch and signaled the end. My one night affair has ended. I got outside - Sweating, panting, trembling. I dare not say a word for it may betray my feelings. I still love her. I still want her. I thanked her man for the time, and being understanding of my feeling. Not many men would do what he did, but there are many men who would do what I did. What I did? I did something that I should not have. I walked outside that garage feeling regret. I desperately wanted her back. I lifted my head and then I saw my wife. She didn't have to say anything, I knew she saw what had happened. Cold sweat streaked the side of my face. I have nothing to say that would lessen the magnitude of my actions. She walked on and I followed. "What's wrong with what we have?" "What's wrong with what we have!?" I echoed. It's not the same. I wanted to tell her all the things that's different, all the things that's better than what we have. "I am sorry that i had to force you to let her go," she said. "but we have a son. What we have is what we need! What we have takes our son to school, to soccer practice, to the beach, to the slopes, to the mountains. What we have fits you, me, and your son! "Deal with it and move on! We don't need a sports car, we need a van!"
GT Ambrose
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GT Ambrose
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