My Memory #1 I remember you. I remember the house. Your uncle Gordon's. You were in the sitting room. I teleported in, and offered you an ice cream. "Fletcher. It's snowing." I heard you say, your voice was so captivating. "Yeah but it's hot in Brazil." Then we started talking about something else and I ate your ice cream. "Okay let's go." You took my hand then smirked at me. "What?" I had wondered. You brushed the ice cream from my nose and licked it off your finger, making us both laughed. Then you kissed my nose. And it ended... Memories. Just a good memory.
Teleporter One place to another, Never had a mother, A brother, or sister, And I'm nobody's mister, Been to Turkey, Japan is quirky, Bangladesh, My #life's no mess, It's perfect, It's the best, But my soul you stole, In my heart there's a hole, Valkyrie, Why? Why'd you torture me? I took you to Sidney, But you ignore my love, Like a simple white dove, Ireland's your home, Where you want to be alone, But I want to be beside you, This entire #poem is true, I want to hold your hand, I want to be your man, And I was, I even flossed, Wait, just halt, Was it my fault? I want to know, I want to show, Because I'm feeling blue, And I bet you are too,
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