Luna Lake
It was official. Francis and I were getting married. The boy with the sparkling moonlight eyes had proposed to me. Fireworks of joy bursted in my mind as I spoke my final answer- Yes.
Overjoyed, I enveloped him with my arms almost knocking him over. Francis laughed at me; he said his #life couldn't be better now. Magic brought us together that very night of beauty. We were at a park and I tripped over and fell in a lake. As guessed, he was the first to react and save me from harm. Love filled my body that afternoon.
Finally pulling myself together, I slowly took a step back from Francis.
'Calm down,' I mumbled to myself. 'Calm down.'
'Oh Savannah, thank you so much for this night. You know how much I adore you.' Francis soothed.
'I know. I'm just so... In love. Amazed!' I said turning myself into an overly excited 31 year old lady. After almost an hour, I finally calmed down and we set off home.
The morning sun rose and my forest eyes fluttered open. One side of the bed was empty, that meant Francis was already awake. Without hesitation, I flung the sheets off me and tiptoed downstairs. We really needed to get the stairs done up, they were so cold and creepy.
I strode into the kitchen to find Francis sat quietly at the wooden oak table, sipping carefully and cautiously at his cup of tea in his hands. Smiling away, I took a seat in front of him and watched the steam fly from his mug. The saying on his mug was by far mine and his favourite- "Keep Calm and Drink It All". Oh how I loved his taste in mugs.
'Good morning dear,' he smiled. 'Here, I'll pour you a cup.'
My hands shook with delight. Tea always reminded me of winter mornings at the fire place, always so beautiful. Snow is gorgeous; I love how it makes the midnight dreams calm and silent. Me and Francis always took fancy to tea and snow.
'You know, Savvy...' Francis murmured as the tea fell softly out of the teapot. 'I always had a crush on you. Ever since, well- we met.'
'Do you mean love at first sight?' I asked, almost finishing his speech off.
'Exactly. Did you feel that too?'
I didn't. No, when we met he was sweet, but I never expected anything HUGE from him. Perhaps just friends. However, it'd kill me to tell him this and This lovely moment could end in tears. So, I said-
'Of course, of course I did. Other wise it wouldn't be... True love. Would it now?'
'You've got a point.' Francis replied.
We soon settled calmly in the living room, cosy like the snow days I mentioned before. Flames in the fire place flicked, I snuggled like a bug in a rug underneath a blanket on the couch. Francis had an arm chair beside my couch. I suppose he didn't like to share sofa's with other people- not even me.
I couldn't even be bothered to switch on the BBC News, I was too sleepy for something as bright as that. Better fire light than electric light in the morning, I thought.
Ever since we first became boyfriend and girlfriend, me and Francis had always wanted a cat. So, for our 3rd year anniversary, he got me a little snow white feline who was only eight weeks old. How I loved her- Francis said it must have been love at first sight, which made me giggle. This little kitty, who is now known as Emiline the kitty cat, had just woken up and padded into the room. Emiline loved Francis' arm chair, in scratching terms. Luckily she stopped the habit soon after we'd told her off at least one hundred times and now she just sits on Francis' lap instead. And so she did this right at that moment.
'Hello, Emiline!' Francis said to her. 'Are you not hungry yet then?'
At lunch, I just realised something- it was our nine year anniversary of being together! The perfect time to, as our engagement was just the other day. I felt like I could throw a two in one surprise party at home for Francis due to our anniversary! I was about to leave the table for some planning time until Francis interrupted:
'I've just remembered something: today is our 9th year anniversary!'
Crap. Did he have to say that? Or god, why did you allow him to remember? It would've been great to throw a surprise party!
'Yes...' I mumbled under my breath trying not to get angry.
Unfortunately, Francis saw what was up. 'You ok?' he asked kindly.
'Sure, I was just- oh, never mind.'
'Um... Ok.'
When I was clearing up the food on my kitchen unit, I had a new and maybe better idea.
'Francis!' I rudely yelled. In shock, Francis spun around with a hilarious look on his face. Before speaking, I let out a giggle.
'For our 9th anniversary, let's go to Luna Lake!' I said.
'Great! I haven't been their for years! Actually, ever since we fell in love!' Francis exclaimed excitedly.
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