Chris & Him
Feet pounded the ground. The sound echoed on the abandoned streets. He stumbled but managed to not fall completely. Shaking his head to looked behind him, a mistake. The monsters head was inches from his own, it's long talon like fingers reaching for him. Trembling he pushed up and ran. The monsters shriek loud. Where was he? He was supposed to be waiting by the fountain. He hasn't been there. Closing his eyes and gripping the gem in his hand he felt energy surge into him. He felt his feet lift and he quickly folded them. He opened his eyes and kept them in front. He was floating inches off the ground, moving at an incredible speed. He was tired and he knew he would only be able to keep this up for a few minutes, he would lose consciousness or revert back to his original form if that happened. And then one of the claws swiped his back, he felt the blood drip down his back, he wanted to scream. He didn't and kept his eyes forward, drawing more energy towards him, making him a little bit faster. But the monster was right behind him, it's shriek deafening at that distance. He lost concentration and felt his legs scrap the ground, he tried to pull himself up but it was too late, the energy was gone. He rolled away, gaining bruises from the stone. He collided with a bunch of Adventurers. They screamed as they collapsed. The gem slipped from his fingers and stopped by the boots of that man. His gem swinging tauntingly from his neck. "...Chris...trying to find a new stone? Hah! We came to this town to slay this monster and I find you sneaking into its den to steal a gem?" He drew the sword hung over his back and with a slash killed the monster that had been looming over them all. The adventurers ran away, back into the bar they had just exited. "Chris...come" He had bent down, letting his cloak expand around him, like a pool. Chris rose, his small blue paws pushing against the stone. He was close to closing consciousness but that man didn't care. All he cared about was killing a monster who had destroyed his village. His hands were short. His legs that of a rabbit, his ears that of one as well. To many he would look like a rabbit, the only difference was his colour, the wings that grew from his back, his clothes and that he could talk.
Breathing deeply he walked towards him. He wanted so badly to grab the gem and escape, the gem which he could give to anyone and called upon whenever needed. But the man was strong and sucked the power from the stone. Leaving him with the only option left. To steal it from the earth, the people whoever he could. "...Chris...this is why I've told you, take me to your home and I'll let you go. Until then your mine." "Like a slave? Should I call you master?" The look on his face told him his words had hurt him. Good.
He had climbed on his shoulder. Tail swishing irritably on his back. "Chris, you know your not a slave. I won't put that on anybody...I just need your mothers help!" The creature was sulking. Still kneeling he picked up the stone. "At least we've got something to sell now". He had met Chris two months ago. He had been attacked by bandits with a monster, he had attacked the leader and killed him, and taken the gem around his neck for himself. The monster had then turned on its allies and after killing them turned into Chris. To the normal Chris would of looked like a demon. And perhaps he was. But to him he had shone, just like the monster that had destroyed his village and forced him into slavery. He had beaten Chris, taking his anger out on the creature who didn't even defend himself. Even bloody and bruised. He had followed him, damaged wings no longer working he had followed at a distance. He had been skinny, much more then now. He had attacked him again when he had come to share his fire that night.
Then he transformed, turning into the blue haired boy. He had mumbled " this better,sir?" That had stopped him. 'Sir'? Nobody said that unless they were a slave... "Your a slave?" The boy had shaken his head. "Unless sir sees me as one. I am yours as long as you hold the gem." "Your a genie then?". Chris had laughed at that "no. I have a mind , genies do not, they feel no pain when ordered to kill...I am more and less." Both had gone silent after that. He still sat atop him, He had no shirt, only pants. "Sir. I know I have no place but I wish to return home. My mother calls yet I cannot return, it is the stones fault" suprised i had asked "destroy it then?" Again shaking his head "I cannot. That stone holds most of my power, some of my mind...and something bigger. My mother or I will grant you any wish! Please sir. Let me visit my home. If you wish me to remain by your side after I shall!" A smile spread across his lips. "...any wish?" Chris' blood ran cold at that smile.
That is how the journey had started, between Chris and him.
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