Tradurre   11 anni fa

Barbaric? The king was a selfish person. His people starved to keep his plate full, his goblet fuller. He gave away lands to invading countries like they were chess pieces. His servants and aides were terribly underfed and poor. Most of their money and food sent to the people. The prince wasn't much better. The only ones doing any good we're the rebels. Most called them barbaric, the higher ups hunting their own food and rumour had it they ate it raw. It wasn't true however. The fire gave a gloom to the forest, Moriko sat starring into the fire. His trusty partner and only friend, Zuri the grey wolf. Zuri slept, blood smudged around her muzzle. But another shared their camp. A long haired boy. His hair was light. He was of the dallens. 'children of the sun', they breaded like rabbits and ruled most of the lands. His fear hung on the air. He was with Moriko, the rouge 'night child'. The one who quietly attacked the dallens, while the rest of his kind attacked openly. The one with the wolf. Moriko had watched him for a long time, he still held the food. With a grunt he spoke "give to wolf. If Wont eat!" He hated speaking, he spoke better in his normal tongue, but the dallens language was complicated. Quickly he but into the meat and chewed nervously. Cursing in his own language he glanced at the wolf. It's eyes were open and it was looking at him. Then the link exploded in his mind and he could hear her voice. "Moriko. What will we do with him? Lucila is the only one who will take him if we return to the village..." Grunting he spoke back. "No. We will either kill or abandon him. The fair hairs cannot be trusted" the wolf rose and walked over. "Moriko. We cannot kill him. He may be useful to us. We don't know his name or his status in his home. He way be useful" frowning he rose and spoke so he could understand "it would be easier to kill him....Zuri. I won't let you open up a link with him!" She had interrupted him. And now she walked over to him 'Moriko. Hold him'. Annoyed he complied. To lose Zuki now would be bad, he was behind the boy in moments, gripping him tightly, he watched as Zuki do what she had done to him. The wolf's eyes shone brightly in the dim light and he felt it himself, the bending and connecting of the mind. He released the boy and watched as he touched his temple. With a nod from Zuki, he tested the connection. "Hear me kid?" He looked around madly. He changed back to dallen speech. "With your mind. Zuki. Explain" Zuki explained and Moriko laughed at the boys fave when he realised the wolf was speaking, when they were done, Moriko connected again with there minds. "Understand boy? Now tell us about you". There was silence until the boy spoke with his mind. As he talked Moriko couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. And them he spoke to Zuri. "Your right. We can't kill him. He's important...very important."

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