Four Years Four years have passed. Where was I then? Far from where I am now. Not by location, but emotions, growth... So much has changed. I was with someone. Someone I met not long after the last time I posted. Someone that I thought was perfect for me. As of one month ago, I know that is not true. I met people. People that were once strangers have become some of the most important people to me. Some of those that I once considered my best friends have drifted away. But I am not angry, nor upset, because I realise that you can't hold on to all aspects of your past. You need to let them go to make way for things in your future. I met him. And he is so good to me, and he would never hurt me. He thinks that I am beautiful. He makes me feel beautiful. And he has made me feel whole again. Four years will pass. Where will I be? Who will I meet? Who will I love? So many questions will be asked and answered. But I can wait. I am happy in this place. With these people. With him. And I don't want to make room for anything in my future. For my present has gifted me with all that I could ever want.
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