Anything 2
3rd September 1939
ELIZABETH:A few weeks have passed.I am now listening to the radio with my fiancé John.All of a sudden,"SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR PRIME MINISTER,NEVILLE CHAMBERLIN!"
Sure enough,the prime minister's voice came on the radio."Britain is at war with Germany."
I surely collapsed,devastated with the terrible news.I awoke to the sound of my fiance's voice."Honey?HONEY?"
I groaned."mmm?"
"Oh thank goodness I thought you were dead!"John exclaimed.
"Well,Im still here!" I giggled.All that laughter and happiness made me forget that we were in a state of war.
6th November 1940
JOHN:Now,war was in full swing.Rationing had started and children were evacuated from cities into the countryside.Thank the lord we didnt have children.Right now,I am sat in the trenches,thinking about my darling Elizabeth.Our wedding is far from happening now...