Individuality Standing on the cold wooden floor, the light from the morning sun works a path through the window and the partly open blinds. Wearing nothing but the warming rays, which illuminate part of your face and your body, you feel safe. A welcoming arm embraces you providing a comforting warmth. The other side of your body sitting on the dark side of the sun however feels cold, uncomforted, unwanted and lonely. Standing in front of you, looking at you, mimicking your movement, your expressions, following your eye movement is someone that you are very familiar with: You Inside, you crave the feeling of individuality, that you are one of a kind, a rare breed, priceless. Yet for some reason you still wonder what others think of you. The need to be validated mixes with wonder and doubt to create a deadly concoction. However, your outer shell is only a preview of your inner soul. What they can see barely scratches the surface of your being. The person you can see in the full length mirror mounted on that wall is a result of #life experiences, growing up, pain, joy, learning. We all connect with interests, our varying degrees of enthusiasm the driving force making us the person we are. Your resistance to the norm, no desire to be like everyone else and follow the flock has paid off. Those carbon copies out there are almost under the influence of a drug, numbing them from the pain of making their own decisions. You are free from that. You are you and nobody can take your individuality away. Nobody can truly imitate it - apart from that mirror of course. You get dressed, the warmth from the sun, pressing further into your skin, inspiring you with the confidence to face the world beyond the front door. Hold your head up high and be proud of who you are. Unique.
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