перевести   13 лет назад

Bicycle Ride Today, we went for a ride together for the first time. When the strong breeze paused for a few moments, sunshine actually made outdoors feel pleasantly warm, a sneak preview of the Summer that awaits us. As we cycled along a relatively small section of the country park, you took off in front of me, your long ponytail flowing behind you, as you displayed your new found skill and balance. I felt an inner warmth as my face smiled with an immense amount of paternal pride. My baby is growing up into a beautiful young lady. We stopped several times to pick flowers, have a drink of water and do cartwheels (I watched, you demonstrated!) Although I have missed so much up to now, I savour our time together. I can't make up for lost time, but I can show you how much I love you, my precious little girl

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