Flowerpelt's Story *remake*
Poor Flowerkit.
She sat with her mother. Watching the others play, she, instead, listened to the stories of the elders.
One participial story had chilled her to the bone. The elders weren't going overboard ether, like they usually do. They were warriors at the time…
"It was a bitter leaf-bare," Littlemint mewed. "Fresh-kill piles were empty, cat were trespassing on other territory. And to make madders worse a green-cough outbreak stroke out."
Flightfeather took her place in the story. "It was almost as if the warrior code didn't exist."
"And a cat named Flintfur got so hunger that he killed and ate a ShadeClan warrior." Bluefoot finished for him.
And all of the elders finished, "and that was the start of 'the great hunger tragedy'!"
"W-why would they do that?" Flowerkit whimpered. It was sick! No amount of hunger will make her eat another cat.
Then she jumped out of her fur when she heard paw steps.
"Are you listening to that mouse-brained elder story?" A tom sneered, "Flowerkit it's fake! I can't believe you fell for that." He was a black and white tom with icy blue eyes.
Flowerkit, herself, was pale brown with spots-almost in the shape of flowers- covering her pelt, with light green eyes.
"You don't know that Fallenkit!" She retorted. She bristled arching her back. Then her den-mate, Sparrowkit, bounced in.
"Yeah huh…" Her boasted. "Lionkit told me it was fake. Why do you insist on hanging out with stinky elders anyway?"
The elders looked hurt, then glared at the smug she-kit.
"Leave her alone." Fallenkit's twin sister, Black-kit, mewed. "If she wants to hang out with badger-smelling elders, well that's her problem."
"We are not badger-smelling!" All three elders argued.
It had been a half-moon since the fight with Fallenpaw's crew. And Fallenpaw, Blackpaw, Mudpaw, Lionpaw, Whitepaw, Spottedpaw, and Sparrowpaw had became apprentices.
"Mouse-brained suck up." Flowerkit growled to herself.
Sparrowpaw, who was now a medicine cat apprentice, was flirting with Lionpaw, like always.
She was in the medicine cat's den. She had been beaten up the other day by Lionpaw and Spottedpaw.
Oddly Fallenpaw hung back, a guilt smell waving powerfully from him.
'He better have been guilty! Letting his friends beat me up like that.' She thought. Then yowled in pain.
"Sorry Flowerkit but, they got you good." The white she-cat apologized.
"It okay Snowstorm…" Though she had a hint of edge to her voice.
"Don't worry. When Foxstar hears about this, those toms will be doing elder duties now until they're elders themselves!" Flowerkit grinned at the thought.
"Now get some rest." The medicine cat advised. And with a nod the brown she-kit left the den into nursery.
"Good night Dawnrise." Flowerkit yawned. Curling up next to her mothers belly.
"Good night, my kit." Her mother purred.
The blacknes of the nursery faded away turning into dark a forest.
She was running and running. Then a pain suddenly hit her back and she yowled in agony.
Then the pain went to her neck and blood oozed out.
Finally she went limp.
She had died but was completely aware of her surroundings.
The she felt something grabbed her scruff. She realized was still alive, but at Starclan paws. Then she was surrounded by water.
Some-cat had thrown her in a lake!
She was starting to lose all her air. 'Times like this I wish I was an OceanClan cat…'
"She should have never been born." Hissed her attacker.
The she jolted awake to find her mother wasn't there. She let out a wail of distress.
Flowerkit scrambled out of the nursery into the clearing. Stepping on ever twig there was.
"Your going to in up waking the whole clan!" Some-cat's voice growled.
Flowerkit looked up to see Lionpaw and the rest sitting at the apprentice den.
"Sorry! I couldn't sleep." She whispered back.
The nicest out of the crew, Whitepaw, padded over to her. "Do you want to talk about it?" The golden she-cat asked.
"No thanks. Dawnrise isn't in the den so I'm going to look for her." And with that she sprinted to the dirt place.
Blackpaw quickly picked Flowerkit up by the scruff and padded to her friends.
"Kit aren't allowed outside the camp and you know it Flowerkit!"
There were nods of agreement. Flowerkit just pouted.
"If Dawnrise isn't in the den you might as well sleep in here." The kit was surprised of the sudden acts of kindness from this group.
"If you are going to sleep in my nest, I need to make sure you don't have fleas." Fallenpaw announced.
"I assure you, I don't have fleas." Flowerkit spat, but obeyed Fallenpaw's order.
She stalked over and laid down in front of his paws.
He began to look her over. Suddenly he gasped in horror and his eyes grew wide.
"Guys! I think you might want to see this." He advised. His friends came bounding over Mudpaw in the lead.
"What is it?" The brown tom asked.
"She has a HUGE scratch on her back. I think it was a claw mark." Flowerkit gulped.
Blackpaw checked her over for anymore and stopped at her neck.
"And a larger one on her throat. "
I don't own warrior cats or Skyclan. But I own the story ,3 other clans, and the cats. Other then that Erin Hunter owns it.
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