Beautiful Book One: Fading Stars Chapter 1 Brightkit tumbled out of the nursery, her older brother shyly coming out next. She ran back towards her brother. "Come on, don't be a scaredy-mouse!" She encouraged. Shoving him slightly. "Oh hush!" The young boy snapped. "Swiftkit, you are a wimp. The clan won't bite." Swiftkit crossed his arms. With a heavy sigh he ran a hand through his black and white hair. His blue eyes closed and a light blush on his cheeks. Brightkit smiled, skipping across the clearing to 'The Fresh-kill Pile'. The only restaurant/store in camp. Opening the tinkling door, the two siblings walked in and took a seat. Brightkit grabbed two kitty menus, scanning the list for any good looking food. Their waitress walked up and brought milk- them just opening their eyes they must- and asked for their orders. "Mini mouse-dog nuggets." Brightkit informed. "Shrew-burger with a side of honey." Swiftkit ordered. The waitress nodded a left them be. Brightkit was stuffing her face with Mouse-dog nuggets. While Swiftkit was neatly chewing his shrew-burger, while watching his sister. "What?" Brightkit asked through a mouthful. The boy just shook his head. Brightkit pulled her messing white and ginger hair in a long curly ponytail. The bell tinkled once again, gaining the two kits attention. A boy with white, shaggy hair, and blue eyes walked in. He was wearing long orange T-shirt that came to his feet, and a orange sleeping hat with a cute puff on the end. Brightkit recognized him as Cloudkit. The son of a kittypet named Queen and the nephew of Flamesoul, a former kitty-pet. He took his seat next to them. He looked back at them with smile on his face. She felt warm inside when she saw his handsome smile. I don't own warrior cats. This is rewrite of the Brightheart's story. List of changes below. •All names are changed •Brightkit is not Greypelt's(Cinderpelt) sister •Swiftkit is Brightkit's brother and he doesn't die •Cloudkit and Brightkit are around the same age. The reason she doesn't get her warrior name because she is Nightstripe's(Darkstripe) apprentice. Swiftkit gets his •Cloudkit needs a little convincing to love Brightkit instead of Rose(Daisy)

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