Lend Lend me your ears so I may whisper some truth, lend me your eyes, so I can see the path true. Give me your hands so I may touch real #life, lend me your feet, so I may run along side you. Open your heart so I may see into your soul, leave it wide open just don't let it go cold. I wish to see happiness, from someone so true, I wish feel warmth glowing from you. Only the true may do this for me, I promise to give back what was shared with me, it won't be so cold or sad as it was before this, but warm and so cuddly, like a small teddy bear, to carry around, literally everywhere. I'm not so small but a large cuddly bear, willing to share what it means to lend and care. I try not to be sad, I try not to be mean, but there's times in a #life where these things come alive, maybe only once but this is just #life.