Chat Room 2 Bethanybebe has entered the chat room Kristoftheman has entered the chat room Bethanybebe- this is awkward Kristoftheman- I know right Annaiccream has entered the chat room- changed my username Bethanybebe- we can see that Snowballharriet- if Anna isn't Anna the twin any more then I'm not Harriet the twin any more Kristoftheman- does it matter about your username Annaicecream- yes!! Snowballharriet- Yes! Kristoftheman- just asking Bethanybebe changes her username to PrincessBethany PrincessBethany- I'm a princess! Sexyhans has entered the chatroom Sexyhans- hello Annaicecream- go away perv! Annaicream has blocked SexyHans from the chat. Snowballharriet- thnx Anna Annaicream- no problem LittleTanya06 has entered the chatroom LittleTanya06- why has everyone changed there user name??? LittleTanya06 has changed her username to PoppingCandy09 PoppingCandy09- my username is way better now. PrincessBethany has left the chat Kristoftheman has left the chatroom PoppingCandy09- I'm leaving if Beth has left PoppingCandy09 has left the chatroom Letitgo has entered the chatroom Letitgo- snowball fight now! Annaicream- ok Snowballharriet- ok Letitgo has left the chat Annaicecream has left the chat Snowballharriet has left the chat
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