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A Locket From A Lover Chapter 15 *~}Tiffany{~* "What are you doing here,hm?" He asks, making my hand shake."Don't you know your blood isn't supposed to be here when I'm 'busy'?" I scowl, as I stand up. "Busy being a horrible father!" He only chuckles, as he walks up to me. "And how would you know, after all, your a female, and your father died when your were like, eight years old! Can't blame him. I wouldn't want to be the father of a shitty hore." My eyes widen,but I don't show any sign of sadness, or fear. "At least I'm not a selfish bitch 24/7, who beats the shit out of his sons every fucking day!"His eyes wide at this. ~Got him right where I want him.~ I hold back a smirk as he scowls back at me. "Your one snoopy little girl, you know that?" His smirk returns, as he steps closer to me, making me back up."Of course, this is you we are talking about, so whatever.Your calling me selfish, when your the one who keeps getting close to people, and jinxing them to pure death!" He keeps walking closer to me, making me walk backward, fast,until my back hits the wall. Though he has me cornered, I don't show any sign of fear, besides my shaking hands,which are behind my back. He keeps walking up to me until he's right up in my face."Maybe one day, one day...you'll jinx yourself to death,hm?" I bite my tongue so I don't make things even worse."Not gonna talk, eh? Fine. You don't have to. Besides, you won't be able to talk after I'm done with you." Before I could even do anything, he slaps my cheek, hard, which makes me fall down onto the floor.He manages to kick my stomach, making me groan in pain.~Damnit!~ I curse in my brain. "I don't usually hit girls, but, I'll manage to it with you."He crouches down to reach my level, and I can see his evil smirk on that face of his. "Besides," he takes my chin with his two fingers, and roughly lifts it up."No one will miss you at all." Before I even knew it, he somehow rolled me toward the stairs. His foot lay on my stomach, making me have to bite my tongue so I didn't scream in pain."Not even your own mother will miss you." He kicked me down the stairs,onto the hard floor at the bottom. This time I couldn't take the pain.This time, I screamed. I screamed at my pain, all of it. The pain of my leg, the pain of my heart, all of it. It was let out. Everything then turned into black nothingness. Last thing I remember, is someone screaming my name. Was everything over? Was I finally done?

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