Why I like Harry Potter: Harry Potter has everything, it has love, it has adventure, it has comedy, it is for the whole family. Harry Potter was a sensation, because every child around the world connected with it, and grew up with it. It made them laugh when Harry blew his aunt up like a balloon, it made them cry when Dobby died, and it made them smile when Neville got his spells wrong. Not only that, but J.K Rowling invented a new world for children, the castle of Hogwarts, the Leaky Cauldron, and of course the Forbidden forest. Many theme parks were made for it, and thousands of people went to them. Not only that, but these books were written by a woman who was desperately poor at the time, and they made her a millionaire over night. Thousands of people spent days and nights queuing to get every new Harry Potter book, the whole world loved it. Now Twilight: Twilight is about a girl( not even that pretty) who goes to a town and meets a vampire. Now, I don't know about you but who wants an abusive, stalking, pale boyfriend who's family is constantly trying to kill you! Then this girl, when the vampire leaves, decides to try and kill herself, because that is how big an idiot she is. Now that sends avoid message to everyone, try and kill yourself, and you might get a boyfriend. It takes her weeks, and buying a book to realise he is a vampire. Now really! That long! Not only is Edward gross, he constantly looks like a bomb just blew up in his face. There is nothing in these books! Nothing apart from romance! I say get over it, find a real boyfriend, because obviously she has a terrible taste in guys. No, let's not go for the very handsome, very strong boy who will protect me and love me. No, let's go for the skinny, weirdo vampire who keeps trying to kill me, genius! Not only are the characters not very smart in the movie, their even worse in real #life! At least Hermione( forgot real name) was clever, along with extremely beautiful.
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