Lovely #life Been outside walking around town with Santos and Urbanrave. The summer is really on its way here in Sweden. Was very sunny outside. I wish it could be June soon. I'm getting sick n tiered of waiting.
Lovely #life Been outside walking around town with Santos and Urbanrave. The summer is really on its way here in Sweden. Was very sunny outside. I wish it could be June soon. I'm getting sick n tiered of waiting.
Warm Night In Sweden It feels like its a summer night outside. Very nice. Tomorrow I will wake up and it will be very sunny and hot. I just know it now I'm gonna try and sleep a couple of hours. Look at Super Natural on TV first. A good American serie. sorry about my bad spelling by the way.. Anyways, good night..
10 Years Of A Lot I was with my ex for ten years. He is and will always be my best friend and a very important person in my #life. I know that if we never had begun with drugs, and "druged" away our love I would have married him, and lived with him my whole #life. It's sad that things became like this because of the drugs, it took our love away and it became a "friend relationship". But I'm also happy that we can be friends and hang together still. I love U Markus, and you will always have a BIG place in my heart. You were my first in so many ways. My first real love. You are the best man I know. Nothing will ever take away my feelings for you. I'm a bit sentimental but this comes from my heart and I hope you know that.
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