Friday Fun #7
There once was a joke that was so very funny
Made your eyes spill tears and your nose go runny
But it had been so long and all humour was spent
Everyone had forgotten just how the thing went...
They needed a joke to make them laugh and chuckle
Make their bellies wobble and their knees buckle
But no one could remember the really funny joke
Until one day the wee Irish man woke up and spoke
Some say it started with a knock at the door
While others disagree and say it was so much more
Paddy leaned on his spade with a shrug
'T'be sure I canny mind the line or my name isnee Doug'
But even with his spade he couldn't dig up 'that' joke
After a few (bottles) of the good stuff, he was a forgetful bloke
He called to his dog, and told it of his dilemma,
It replied "I'm only a dog, how the f*** do I remember!
Paddy just smiled as his dog spoke perfect English
They "talked" into the night about how the jokes are always on the Irish
But then in walked a women who said she was from Essex
And the dog said "oh f*** this is going to get complex
Dressed to impress, six inch heels and ice rings
A footballers’ surprise (the causer of hamstrings)
Stood up real tall
Swiped up a ball
Stealing the dog with a swing.
Now the Irishman complained with a yell
And stood up but immediately fell
He'd had too much to drink
And could barely think
So the girl ran off as well
Proposed contributor:
Yeeeeeaaah Friday Fun!
Here's the rules, there are none. But here's how it goes;
1. Get tagged.
2. Do your thang, change the style if you like. That's a big hint, by the way...
3. Pick your vic.
4. Kik it to 'em.
5. Leg it.
That's it, but if you feel your verse finishes the thing, then feel free to title it, and thy will be done.
That's all there is to it.
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