Dead Love (Chapter 8) Chapter 8 "Tell me the story," I urged him, a sudden wave of curiosity waged over me. He smiled at me eagerness. "It's not one of happy endings as you can see," he said using his free hand to point at his ghostly self. His other hand was still too occupied in holding mine. "Leena!! I'm going bye!" I heard my mum scream up from the stairs. I smiled happily, now I really was going to spend the day with Kane. "Bye!" I shouted. Kane jokingly put his hands to his ears and I laughed while hitting his cold shoulder. "Tell the story!" I said wanting to hear it badly. "Alright alright!" He said holding his hands up as if he surrendered. "Sorry if I drift off into my own wprld a bit my lady, it is a sad tale," he said before he began. "It's ok, I'm proud of you for telling me the story in the first place," I said soothingly. He squeezed my hand again in comfort. "It was back in 1887, Queen Victoria ruled England and even Ireland," He said, "I was 18 years old like you I believe," he said looking at me. "Yeah I am," I said putting legs up to get comfortable. "Anyway, I didn't work or anything because my family were very rich, as you can probably tell by the paintings and the house," "My family and I were happy, I used to spend summer days with my little sister and brother, we played crochet and ball games it was really really fun," He smiled as he slipped into his daydream about his past #life. "One day, my father approached me and asked about my views on marriage, I thought about what it would be like to love someone and to come home to a lovely woman after a long days work, so naturally I said I liked it," "My father was pleased as he had a girl in mind that I could get married to," Kane's eyes glazed a bit but he did bring his face to look at me. "That's when Charlotte came into my #life," he said it smiling. Somewhere inside me I felt a pang of jealousy inside me. It hurt to see him smile so happily about this girl. I recognized the name as the girl I reminded Kane of. "She was my father's friend's daughter and a spark in my dull #life, everything was just so much more animated with her it was like I could do anything," "Soon enough we were engaged and every Thursday I would take her to the park, she would tell me she loved me and make me feel truly happy," he seemed really happy now. The jealousy was growing bigger and louder. Suddenly, the smile faded off of his face. "But, I knew it was all too good to be true, she was actually scamming me, she didn't love me she loved someone else, Hector to be precise," a look of hate and anger overcame his face. His hand tensed in mine and I reached out, with my other hand, to rub his shoulder. "Hector was Charlottes sweetheart and I was just a way of letting them see each other, Charlotte would use the excuse of meeting me to go and see Hector, they were serious," his whole body had tensed up at this point and I started rubbing his neck soothingly. The cold of his skin was almost unbearable but I didn't care. "It's ok," I whispered resting my head on his shoulder. Almost immediately he started to relax. He entwined his fingers with mine again. "One afternoon, while I was taking Rose my little sister to the park I noticed them in the corner, I waved and then my heart stopped, they were. . . kissing, I was horrified," I saw a tear streak down his face and quickly wiped it away getting closer to him. There was now no space between us were totally together. "I went up to them and demanded to know what was going on, I sent my sister home with the maid who had also come, Hector smiled maliciously and kissed her in from of me again, I objected, but he only intensified the kiss, finally when I couldn't take it anymore I punched him," it seemed that he was replaying it all in his head. I edged even closer which I didn't think was possible. I put arm around his chest and layed on it. I felt his other hand start to caress my arm. "He suddenly started beating me, he beat me into an alleyway, he beat me to a pulp, right in front of Charlotte and do you know the worst thing?" He asked me looking directly into my eyes. I shook my head. "No," I whispered. "She watched, she watched me die in the alleyway, she didn't care at all," his voice broke at the end and several other tears streamed down his perfect face. My eyes started to prick with my own tears just by watching him. I wrapped my arm tighter around him. "I'm so sorry, Kane," I mumbled through some tears. I could feel him hugging me back. He buried his face into my hair and I buried mine into his chest. "It felt like no one cared about me, no one does now either," he said into my hair. I hugged him tighter. I pulled him closer to me. The coolness of his skin was freezing but I knew I could warm it up. I pulled away but still kept my arms around him. "I care about you, I really do," I said, my face near to his. His eyes were slightly bloated and I could see he'd been crying into my hair. "You've only known me for a day and a half," he said calming down slightly. His eyes portrayed confusion. "I know but that doesn't stop me from, from well from..." I trailed away feeling ashamed. He was right I can't just tell him I like him. It would be weird. "From liking me?" Kane's said lifting my chin up to look at him. "Look I understand that we have not known each other for a very long time but you're right, we can still like each other," he said. He then put his arm around me and pulled me closer than I imagined possible. He now had one arm around me and one arm stroking my arm. I had my arm over his chest and the other on his back. "You're right," I whispered. He then gently started to lower his head towards mine. I closed my eyes waiting for my moment to happen. Ooh sorry for the cliffhanger I know y'all hate them!! Anyways Read the next chaired to find out what happens!! Star xx
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