Dead Love (chapter 5) Chapter 5 Was I falling in love? Was this what love at first sight was like? This is so cheesy, I thought. Love at first sight? Oh come on Leena, it's not real. Love was only in movies right? It wasn't real. It wasn't. I was so busy debating I didn't even hear Kane speaking to me. "Uhh my lady?" He said trying to bring me back from my daydream. "Yes sorry!" I said. He smiled again. Wow, that smile was...snap out of it Leena! "I believe your mother is calling you," he said sounding amused at my dreaming. I smiled feeling embarrassed and walked out of the room. Sure enough I could hear my mum screaming my name. I grinned sheepishly as I walked downstairs and thought about Kane at the same time. His smile, his face, his clothes, his way of talking it was all amazing. Suddenly I started to feel stupid. I mean I met this boy a few hours ago since then he had me in a hurricane how could I even consider it as love? I sighed inwardly as I reached my mum in the living room. "Have you unpacked?" She asked sternly. Her cheerful mood had gone away I suppose. I nodded quietly in response. "Good, take this and unpack for me," she said handing me a box. Inside I was really annoyed but outside I took it. I knew better than to object. "What room?" I asked trying to be patient. She looked up at me seeming aggravated. "Any," she muttered. Whatever, I said inside my head before heading back upstairs. Which room should I pick? I started contemplating on the right one or the left. While I was in deep thought I felt something cold brush past my shoulder. I looked around to find Kane standing next to me. He smiled his warm smile at me once again. "Deciding on a room?" He asked. I nodded happily. I definitely wouldn't e annoyed if Kane helped me. "For my mum, are there any rooms that you wouldn't throw a tsunami for?" I said jokingly. He gave me another crooked smile that I had grown to crave. "Let me show you," he said chuckling. He led me into a white room which was totally bare. It had nothing on the walls or the windows, it was totally bare. Perfect. I thought. "It's great, it has nothing much in it and I'm not in a particular mood to give my mum the best," I said slamming the box down on to the bed. He nodded understanding that I didn't want to talk about it. He walked over to the window ledge and sat down. But surprisingly he didn't look out of of the window but directly at me. I felt my cheeks go warm and I averted my gaze to the box. I could feel him still staring at me so I started unpacking the box. "You remind me so much of someone," Kane said out of the blue. I wonder who. "Who?" I asked still folding my mums dull clothes. "Charlotte," he answered monotonically. I looked at him and he seemed to be in a day dream. I walked over to him and tapped his freezing shoulder. He jumped and looked up at me. I could've sworn there was a tear in his eye. I didn't know exactly what I was doing but I sat down next to him. I still had my hand on his shoulder. "Who's that?" I asked softly. He brushed the tear away and sighed. "Someone I thought I knew," he said and our eyes locked. For once I couldn't tell what he was thinking through his eyes. He had somehow closed them up. We stayed in that position for who knows how long. It could've been a minute or an hour. We just stared deep into each other's eyes, it was nice. "Uhh sorry I won't pry," I said finally looking away. He started slightly and looked genuinely...disappointed that I'd turned away. I got up and walked back to the unpacking. "Someone I loved as well," I heard Kane say just hefore he vanished into thin air. A/N hi guys!! Thanks so much for the likes and comments so far and I hope your all enjoying the story. I now there aren't many people reading but thanks to those who are ^.^ So anyways enjoy chapter 5 and await chapter 6, star xxx

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