My breath puffed up around my face obscuring my view. Shadowy figures began to form I. The distance. Quickly I took off my glasses to wipe them. It can't be true, no one ever comes out this far. Besides, this place is practically impossible to find, especially in the dead of night. No road maps lead to this place, and the turning is hard to find even in the brightest of light. The figures grew closer. Two people, coats flapping in the wind, arms swinging by their sides. Fear froze me in place. When they pulled out guns, my brain kicked in to overdrive. As I dashed for the woods they started firing. Automatic weapons. I was in trouble. Advantage of living in the middle of nowhere, people can't find you. Disadvantage to living in the middle of nowhere, you can't escape if they do. Leaves and twigs were kicked up as I ran. My breath came faster and faster causing my glasses to fog up completely. I threw them to ground, better to have blurry eye site than no eye site at all. I could still hear gunshots, how had they not run out of bullets yet? Underneath the shots were footsteps, heavy footsteps. The shooting was a distraction, they had more men combing the woods. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? I never did anything to them, in all these years I never told a soul what they did. I could hear more footsteps now, they were everywhere. Circling. Closing in on me. I had come to far to let them get me. Fresh energy zipped through me, my moved so fast I felt like I was flying. Then I was falling. Falling and landing hard. I looked around. I was in a hole. They had me. All my running, all my hard work was for nothing. They had me again.
My breath puffs up around me. They make it cold in here so they think I cant fight back. They won't give me glasses so they think I can't see their faces. That is their mistake. I escaped once I will do it again, but I won't make the same mistake. When I get out, I will take them all down, then I will run. I will run faster and harder than I have ever run before. I will take down the company behind this. That is a promise to me, and everyone else they have done this to. Just they wait.
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