Call Wolf Ten Times A policeman stops a car, driving way to fast. When he reaches the car, he see that it is a blonde who sits at the drivers seat. He sighs and ask her for her drivers license. "Sir, I can't do that." She answers. "I've got it retracted by driving drunk" The policeman gives her a irritated glance. "Could I see the insurance for the car and the other papers?" "I can't do that either." The blonde responds "you see, I've stolen this car" "You have STOLEN it?" "Yeah, and I murdered the owner" "You've... I mean, what? Where did this happen?" "At the owners home. I hid the body in the trunk, though." The policeman was in shock, but called for reinforcements. When his colleagues arrived, he retold the blondes story once again, upon one of them decides to open the trunk. The trunk was empty! The reinforcement asked the blonde for her papers and license: "No problem!" She tells them and immediately shows everything. "Hm, have you murdered anyone? " "No!" "Well..." The policemen looked really confused "My colleague said that you had. Sorry for this misunderstanding." "What a liar! He probably when told you that I was speeding as well!"
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