Nature Boy SUICIDE TRIGGER WARNING Stay safe my friends <3 Nature boy today wasn't real. It started as a normal Monday and then you turned the world upside down. Nature boy how did you decide? That this was better than the pain you were feeling? One word. Suicide. Nature boy how did it get so bad? That you felt you had no one to turn to? Grief is a funny thing. Everyone expresses it differently. Nature boy I don't understand. I didn't know you all that well. I knew you by the giant dorky smile that lit up a room. My Lit teacher knew you as the sweet little kindergartener who read to her all those years ago. Your friends knew you as a shoulder to cry on. Your teammates knew you as a talented athlete. Nature boy it doesn't make sense. Don't you see the tears shed for you. Don't you hear the sound of hearts breaking. Don't you know our school set up a triage center for kids to deal with your death? Don't you realize, Your dog will never be able to say hi to you Your family will never be able to take those awkward Christmas pictures with you You won't ever play the sports you love Ever again? I'm not a fan of fishing but it brought you so much joy. You could have caught the biggest fish of your #life today. But instead... Nature boy I saw your flowers twice today. There are more each time I look. Nature boy I don't understand. You tore our school apart. Your friends, they are broken. We are broken. Nature boy I hope you're happy now. <3 AVenus BEX
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