Is Love like What They Say? Is love actually like what they say? Where you can't be apart from your partner for one day? Do you get a tingling feeling running through your body? Do you desperately want to touch body's? Every kiss you want to last forever? Every day you just want to cuddle together? Does your heart race when they enter the room? Do you dream of having a family with them soon? Because if love is like what the say, I really want to fall in love today.
Grab my waist and whisper in my ear, 'You're beautiful' is something we like to hear. Muck around and play some jokes, Is something we like to do with our blokes. Cuddle me close and offer me your coat, Kiss my neck, lips and throat. Be willing to fight if someone is mean, Try and talk first before you knock them out clean. Come running over with chocolate and food, Period is the answer if we are in a mood. Hold my hand and keep me close, Laying claim on us is what we like most. Text us every morning and night, Cheer us up when we are in a fright. If we're down and are in tears, Wipe them away and say 'come over 'ere!' Say the words 'I love you' a lot, We may not say it back but it doesn't mean we do not. Always be available to listen, It shows she trusts you- so listen! The most important is that you are polite, We will then say the three words back- looking at you with delight.
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هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟
Jelly :P
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